Meditation Changes How Genes Are Expressed

First study to show rapid beneficial changes from meditation at the molecular level.

First study to show rapid beneficial changes from meditation at the molecular level.

The health benefits of meditation are becoming well-established, but we still know little about how these effects are achieved.

A new study, though, sheds light onto the molecular changes that take place in the body as a result of meditation.

For their new study, Kaliman et al. (2014) recruited 19 experienced meditators, who each carried out an intensive 8-hour session of mindfulness meditation.

They were compared with a group of 21 others who engaged in quiet non-meditative activities for the same period of time.

Both groups gave blood samples before and after their activities.

After analysing these samples at the molecular level, they found some remarkable changes.

Amongst the group of experienced meditators, changes could be seen in the way certain important genes were expressed.

The expression of genes which are involved in inflammation, and generally in the body’s stress-response, were down-regulated.

These changes were not seen in the control group.

The body’s stress-response is important for all sorts of health conditions such as cancer, metabolic diseases and neuropsychological problems.

Richard J. Davidson, one of the study’s authors said:

“To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper that shows rapid alterations in gene expression within subjects associated with mindfulness meditation practice.”

Stress recovery

Both groups were also given a test of social stress afterwards. This involved having to give a surprise speech in front of an audience and video camera.

Tests of cortisol levels in participants’ saliva revealed that the expert meditators were able to recover quicker from this stressful event than the other group.

This study may demonstrate physiological mechanisms which helps explain why mindfulness meditation is so beneficial.

Professor Davidson said:

“Our genes are quite dynamic in their expression and these results suggest that the calmness of our mind can actually have a potential influence on their expression.”

The lead author of the study, Perla Kaliman, added:

“The regulation of HDACs and inflammatory pathways may represent some of the mechanisms underlying the therapeutic potential of mindfulness-based interventions. Our findings set the foundation for future studies to further assess meditation strategies for the treatment of chronic inflammatory conditions.”

→ Read on: Meditation Benefits: 10 Ways It Helps Your Mind

Image credit: Nadir Hashmi

Unwind: The Science of Rest, Relaxation and Sleep

How to sleep better, change unhelpful thought processes and tackle everyday stress and anxiety.

How to sleep better, change unhelpful thought processes and tackle everyday stress and anxiety.

Stress and anxiety strike almost everyone from time-to-time. It can be made worse by lack of sleep, the wrong mindset and unwanted intrusive thoughts.

Over the past few years here on PsyBlog I’ve covered many studies which help us better understand stress and anxiety.

The collection of articles below describe how to sleep better, change unhelpful thought processes and tackle everyday stress and anxiety.

• The Peaceful Mind: 5 Step Guide to Feeling Relaxed Fast – Five simple things that everyone can do to relax including awareness, breathing control, activities and sleep skills. This plan has been developed and tested by psychologists.

• 6 Easy Steps to Falling Asleep Fast – Psychological research over three decades demonstrates the power of Stimulus Control Therapy. Learn the six straightforward steps that will help you sleep better at night.

• Rethinking The Stress Mindset: Can You Find The Upside of Pressure? – Evidence that how we think about stress partly determines how we react to it.

• Can Everyday Hassles Make You Depressed? – Study showing that how people reacted to the little stressors of everyday life predicted whether they developed psychological problems a decade later. Do you sweat the small stuff?

• Perform Better Under Stress Using Self-Affirmation – Under stress most people perform worse, but a simple self-affirmation exercise can help improve your performance.

• Venting Emotions After Trauma Predicts Worse Outcomes – The hydraulic theory of the emotions is a misleading metaphor.

• 8 Ironic Effects of Thought Suppression – The more we try to avoid screwing up when stressed, the more likely it becomes.

• 8 Ways to Defeat Persistent Unwanted Thoughts – Techniques for dealing with unwanted thoughts including focused distraction, thought postponement, acceptance and meditation.

• Feeling Anxious? 5 Scientifically Proven Relaxation Techniques – Learn how to achieve a relaxed and focused state.

• Bad Night’s Sleep? Blame the Full Moon – People often complain of worse sleep around the full moon, but until now scientists have been skeptical.

• “Hidden Caves” in the Brain Open Up During Sleep to Wash Away Toxins – “Hidden caves” that open up in the brain may help explain sleep’s amazing restorative powers.

• Later School Start Times Improve Sleep and Daytime Functioning in Adolescents – How much extra sleep can make a difference to adolescent depression?

Image credit: Silvia Sala

Is Life Passing You By?

Since the rise of ever more effective technologies for recording and archiving moments in our lives, the present moment is dying.


[Photo by Scout Seventeen]

Since the rise of ever more effective technologies for recording and archiving moments in our lives, the present moment is dying. Photography is a good example. Everyone has been to a party where there’s someone flitting around in the background with their camera while never really taking part in what is going on. We’ve all done it in one way or another. Holiday-makers spend all their time taking photos; documenting every meal, building and beach as though for a museum exhibition. Why? What for? Well the reasoning appears sound enough: I want a keepsake. But there’s one thing that current technology cannot capture: our emotional states. And our emotional states are important. They are what make us human.

Continue reading “Is Life Passing You By?”

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