This Psychological Trick Makes It Easier To De-Clutter Your Home

Psychologists uncover a simple method to make parting with unwanted possessions easier.

Psychologists uncover a simple method to make parting with unwanted possessions easier.

People are more likely to give away unneeded goods if they first take a picture of them.

For people who find their houses filling up with stuff they no longer use, the psychological trick could help them de-clutter.

Dr Rebecca Reczek, study co-author, said:

“What people really don’t want to give up is the memories associated with the item.

We found that people are more willing to give up these possessions if we offer them a way to keep the memory and the identity associated with that memory.”

Preserve the memory

The study involved 797 students who saw an advert for a donation drive.

Half the students saw an ad that said:  “Don’t Pack up Your Sentimental Clutter…Just Keep a Photo of It, Then Donate.”

The other half saw an ad that said: “Don’t Pack Up Your Sentimental Clutter, Just Collect the Items, Then Donate.”

Students that ‘preserved’ the memory of what they were donating with a photo were more likely to give things away.

Dr Karen Winterich, study co-author, said:

“The project got started when I realized I was keeping an old pair of basketball shorts just because they reminded me of beating a major rival basketball team in junior high.

I didn’t want the shorts — I wanted the memory of winning that game and that’s what I thought of when I saw the shorts.

A picture can easily mark that memory for me and I can donate it so someone else can use it, which is even better.”

The study suggests an easier way to let go of old stuff, said Dr Reczek:

“It is not terribly surprising that we can keep the same memories alive just by taking a photo of these possessions, but it is not a natural behavior.

It is something we have to train ourselves to do.”

Memories of the item are also linked to our identities, further studies found.

Dr Reczek said:

“These memories connected to possessions are a carrier for identity.

It is this reluctance to give up a piece of our identity that is driving our reluctance to donate.”

The trick may not work for items that are sold or that have strong sentimental value.

The study was published in the Journal of Marketing (Winterich et al., 2018).

This Activity Is The Brain’s Best Defence Against Stress

Prolonged stress weakens the synapses — the connections between brain cells — in the hippocampus.

Prolonged stress weakens the synapses — the connections between brain cells — in the hippocampus.

Running reverses the damaging effects of chronic stress on critical areas of the brain.

Stress can damage the functioning of the hippocampus, a structure of the brain important for memory and learning.

Running, however, protects the brain’s ability to learn and recall information, even under stress.

Dr Jeff Edwards, the study’s first author, said:

“Exercise is a simple and cost-effective way to eliminate the negative impacts on memory of chronic stress.”

Prolonged stress weakens the synapses — the connections between brain cells — in the hippocampus.

The study on mice, though, found that running over a 4-week period negated these negative effects.

Stressed mice who exercised did just as well on a maze-running experiment as non-stressed mice who exercised.

The mice who exercised also had stronger connections between the synapses in their brain.

Naturally, the best memory and learning performance is achieved in a low stress, high exercise environment.

Dr Edwards said:

“The ideal situation for improving learning and memory would be to experience no stress and to exercise.

Of course, we can’t always control stress in our lives, but we can control how much we exercise.

It’s empowering to know that we can combat the negative impacts of stress on our brains just by getting out and running.”

The study was published in the journal Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (Roxanne et al., 2018).

The Idea That Short-Term Memory Has 7 Slots Is A Myth

The number of chunks of information we can hold in mind at any one time.

The number of chunks of information we can hold in mind at any one time.

People can hold around 4 things in mind at any one time.

While there may be no limit to long-term memory, short-term memory is not so capacious.

Four chunks of information — whether words, numbers or whatever — is the human limit.

Even then, short-term memory only lasts around 15 to 30 seconds.

Professor Gordon Parker, author of the paper, said:

“So to remember a seven numeral phone number, say 6458937, we need to break it into four chunks: 64. 58. 93. 7.

Basically four is the limit to our perception.

That’s a big difference for a paper that is one of the most highly referenced psychology articles ever – nearly a 100 percent discrepancy.”

The ‘magic number’

Professor Parker is referring to a famous research paper by American psychologist George Miller.

Miller argued that the ‘magic number’ for the chunks we can hold in memory is 7 (plus or minus two).

Decades of memory research, though, has revealed that this figure is a little optimistic.

Some people can only hold around three things in mind at once, others can manage five, but for most of us four is the ‘magic number’.

Unless, of course, you are a baby, then you can only hold one thing in mind at a time.

Professor Parker said:

“There may be no limit in storage capacity per se but only a limit to the duration in which items can remain active in short-term memory.

Regardless, the consensus now is that humans can best store only four chunks in short-term memory tasks.”

Miller’s genius was really in marketing his idea, despite the scientific facts not backing it up, Professor Parker argues.

Seven is a number that has a sort of magical hold on us, which is perhaps why Miller chose it.

So, Professor Parker mounts his tongue-in-cheek defence of four:

“There are more four-lettered swear words than any other number.

Numerous sports have teams operating as foursomes.

Even golfers play in fours (and plus fours), and the last word a golfer is most likely to hear is four than seven.

Cricketers hit fours to applause and major sporting events (e.g. Olympic Games, World Cup Rugby, World Cup soccer) are held every four years.

The most popular board games (e.g. Scrabble, Monopoly) are designed for four players – as for card games – while card packs have four suits.

Swingers most commonly swing in foursomes, luck requires a four-leaved clover, and the Americans wisely waited until the fourth of July to declare their independence.

This article was prepared on A4.

So, for every deep and profound, even metaphysical, argument for seven, I suspect we can find four times as many for four.”

The study was published in the journal Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica (Parker, 2012).

Eat Like This And Feel Your Cognitive Power Soar (M)

This brain boosting diet improves memory through changes in the gut bacteria.

This brain boosting diet improves memory through changes in the gut bacteria.

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12 Brain-Boosting Strategies That Protect Against Mild Cognitive Impairment (P)

From puzzles to probiotics, discover the everyday activities that protect your brain.

As we age, maintaining a sharp mind becomes increasingly important—but it doesn’t have to be daunting.

Research shows that small, intentional lifestyle changes can significantly reduce the risk of mild cognitive impairment and keep your brain healthy.

Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is a condition characterized by noticeable but not severe changes in cognitive abilities, such as memory, thinking, and reasoning, that are beyond normal aging.

From your diet and daily habits to creative hobbies and exercise, these 12 research-backed strategies offer practical ways to reduce the risk of mild cognitive impairment and support a healthier mind.

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Semantic Memory: Understanding Its Role And Importance

Explore semantic memory, its key features, and how it differs from episodic memory. Find out why it’s vital for knowledge and communication.

Semantic memory refers to the long-term memory system responsible for storing general knowledge about the world.

What is semantic memory?

Semantic memory is a fundamental aspect of human cognition.

It enables us to understand and interact with the world by providing access to factual information and general knowledge.

For instance, knowing that Paris is the capital of France or recognising the meaning of words are both examples of semantic memory at work.

Unlike episodic memory, which is concerned with personal experiences and specific events, semantic memory is not linked to a particular time or place.

This distinction allows semantic memory to provide a stable and universal foundation for knowledge.

Key characteristics of semantic memory

  • Stores general knowledge about the world.
  • Is not tied to specific personal experiences.
  • Includes facts, concepts, meanings, and categories.
  • Is essential for language comprehension and use.
  • Provides a shared understanding that facilitates communication and learning.

How does semantic memory differ from episodic memory?

Semantic memory and episodic memory are two components of declarative memory, which involves the conscious recollection of information.

While both are interrelated, they serve distinct purposes.

Episodic memory involves recalling specific events and experiences, such as your last birthday party or a recent holiday.

It is autobiographical and linked to particular times and places.

In contrast, semantic memory deals with general knowledge that is not tied to individual experiences.

For example, knowing that the Eiffel Tower is in Paris is a piece of semantic memory, whereas remembering your visit to the Eiffel Tower is episodic.

Comparing semantic and episodic memory

  • Content: Semantic memory involves facts and concepts; episodic memory involves personal experiences.
  • Temporal context: Semantic memory is timeless, while episodic memory is time-specific.
  • Autobiographical relevance: Semantic memory is impersonal, whereas episodic memory is personal.

The neural basis of semantic memory

Semantic memory is supported by a network of brain regions that work together to store and retrieve knowledge.

The primary areas involved include the medial temporal lobe, particularly the hippocampus, and the anterior temporal lobe.

Research suggests that the anterior temporal lobe plays a crucial role in integrating and categorising semantic information.

Damage to this region can result in semantic dementia, a condition characterised by a loss of general knowledge while episodic memory remains relatively intact.

The hippocampus, although more closely associated with episodic memory, also contributes to the initial encoding of semantic information.

Once established, semantic memories are distributed across various cortical regions, including the frontal and parietal lobes.

Factors influencing semantic memory

Several factors can affect the strength and accuracy of semantic memory.

Understanding these influences can help in developing strategies to maintain and improve this essential cognitive function.

Age and semantic memory

Semantic memory tends to remain stable or even improve during early and middle adulthood.

However, as people age, retrieval speed may decline, and accessing less frequently used information can become more challenging.

Cultural and environmental factors

Cultural background and environmental exposure play a significant role in shaping semantic memory.

For instance, someone raised in a multilingual environment may have a richer vocabulary and broader linguistic knowledge.

Health and lifestyle

Good physical and mental health are critical for maintaining semantic memory.

Regular physical activity, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep can all contribute to better cognitive function.

Disorders affecting semantic memory

Damage to specific brain areas or certain medical conditions can impair semantic memory.

Understanding these disorders can shed light on the mechanisms underlying this type of memory.

Semantic dementia

Semantic dementia is a progressive neurological condition that primarily affects the anterior temporal lobe.

It leads to the gradual loss of general knowledge and word meanings while sparing episodic memory in the early stages.

Alzheimer’s disease

In Alzheimer’s disease, both semantic and episodic memory are affected, particularly as the condition advances.

Early symptoms often include difficulty in recalling names and recognising familiar objects.

Stroke and brain injuries

Strokes or traumatic brain injuries that damage the temporal or frontal lobes can result in semantic memory deficits.

Rehabilitation efforts often focus on relearning lost information and strengthening other cognitive functions.

Techniques to enhance semantic memory

While some decline in cognitive function is natural with age, there are several strategies to enhance and preserve semantic memory.

Learning new information

Actively acquiring new knowledge through reading, taking courses, or engaging in discussions can help keep semantic memory sharp.

The more frequently information is accessed, the stronger the memory becomes.

Using mnemonics and associations

Mnemonics, such as acronyms or rhymes, can make it easier to remember complex information.

Associating new facts with existing knowledge also enhances recall.

Regular mental stimulation

Activities like puzzles, word games, and trivia can provide mental stimulation that strengthens semantic memory.

Engaging in diverse hobbies and interests can also help maintain a rich knowledge base.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle

  • Exercise: Regular physical activity promotes blood flow to the brain and supports overall cognitive health.
  • Diet: Consuming a balanced diet rich in nutrients, particularly omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, can protect brain cells.
  • Sleep: Adequate sleep is essential for consolidating and retaining new information.

Semantic memory and its role in language and learning

Semantic memory plays a vital role in language comprehension and use.

It provides the foundation for understanding words, phrases, and concepts, enabling effective communication.

In educational settings, semantic memory is crucial for acquiring new knowledge and building upon existing information.

Students rely on this type of memory to learn facts, understand concepts, and apply their knowledge in various contexts.

Language acquisition

Children develop semantic memory as they learn to associate words with meanings and categories.

This process is essential for vocabulary growth and language development.

Creative thinking and problem-solving

Semantic memory also supports creativity and problem-solving by allowing individuals to draw upon a broad base of knowledge.

Combining information from different domains can lead to innovative ideas and solutions.

Future directions in semantic memory research

Advances in neuroscience and technology continue to expand our understanding of semantic memory.

Researchers are exploring new ways to diagnose and treat disorders affecting this type of memory, as well as its applications in artificial intelligence.

Semantic memory in artificial intelligence

AI systems, such as language models, are designed to mimic aspects of semantic memory by storing and retrieving vast amounts of information.

Understanding human semantic memory can inform the development of more advanced and intuitive AI systems.

Potential therapies and interventions

Emerging therapies, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation and cognitive training, hold promise for enhancing semantic memory in individuals with neurological conditions.

Continued research may lead to more effective interventions in the future.


Semantic memory is an essential component of human cognition, enabling us to store and access general knowledge about the world.

Its role in language, learning, and daily functioning highlights its importance in our lives.

By understanding how semantic memory works and adopting strategies to maintain it, we can preserve this vital cognitive ability throughout our lives.

Ongoing research continues to uncover new insights, paving the way for innovative treatments and applications in both healthcare and technology.

What Is Sensory Memory? Learn How It Impacts Perception

Explore sensory memory’s key types and how it affects learning, perception, and rapid information processing in the brain.

Sensory memory is a vital cognitive function that allows individuals to momentarily store information from their surroundings.

Definition and overview of sensory memory

Sensory memory refers to the brief retention of information from the senses before it is transferred to short-term memory or discarded.

It acts as a buffer, providing a fleeting impression of sensory stimuli.

Sensory memory is an automatic process that does not require conscious effort.

It plays a crucial role in enabling the brain to perceive continuity and make sense of rapid streams of sensory information.

Types and characteristics of sensory memory

Iconic memory

Iconic memory relates to visual stimuli.

It retains a snapshot of the visual environment for less than a second.

This type of memory allows individuals to perceive motion and continuity when viewing rapidly changing images.

For example:

  • Watching a film appears seamless due to iconic memory.
  • Reading text allows your eyes to momentarily fixate on each word.

Iconic memory is also critical for tasks that involve tracking fast-moving objects, such as playing sports or driving a car.

When a person catches a ball or navigates a busy street, iconic memory helps them process visual information quickly.

Echoic memory

Echoic memory pertains to auditory information.

It lasts for about 3 to 4 seconds, enabling people to remember sounds after hearing them.

Examples include:

  • Recognising spoken words after a slight delay.
  • Following conversations even if your focus briefly shifts.

The persistence of echoic memory is particularly important in understanding speech and language.

When a person listens to a sentence, echoic memory allows them to retain earlier words long enough to comprehend the entire statement.

Haptic memory

Haptic memory concerns tactile information.

It processes touch sensations and lasts for about two seconds.

Examples include:

  • Feeling the texture of an object after touching it.
  • Remembering the sensation of a handshake.

Haptic memory also contributes to fine motor skills and object manipulation.

For instance, typing on a keyboard or using a touch screen involves the rapid integration of tactile feedback.

Key characteristics of sensory memory

  • Duration: Sensory memory is extremely short-lived, ranging from milliseconds for iconic memory to a few seconds for echoic and haptic memory.
  • Capacity: It has a large capacity to briefly store detailed sensory information.
  • Modality-specific: Each sensory modality has its own memory system.

Sensory memory’s capacity to capture a vast amount of information helps the brain prioritise relevant stimuli.

Despite its brief duration, this memory system lays the groundwork for conscious perception.

Neurobiological basis and modalities

Sensory memory is rooted in the brain’s early processing stages for each sense.

Different brain regions contribute to storing and processing sensory information.

  • Iconic memory: The primary visual cortex processes visual stimuli.
  • Echoic memory: The auditory cortex manages auditory signals.
  • Haptic memory: The somatosensory cortex processes tactile sensations.

Other sensory modalities include:

  • Gustatory memory: Brief retention of taste information.
  • Olfactory memory: Momentary storage of smell-related data.
  • Proprioceptive memory: Awareness of body position and movement.

Gustatory and olfactory memories, although less studied, play important roles in flavour perception and emotional associations.

Smells and tastes can trigger vivid memories due to their strong connections with the brain’s limbic system.

Proprioceptive memory allows athletes and dancers to refine their movements through practice.

It helps maintain balance and coordination by providing continuous feedback on body positioning.

Relationship with other memory systems

Sensory memory bridges the gap between sensory input and short-term memory.

It filters important stimuli while discarding irrelevant data.

Short-term memory receives information selectively from sensory memory.

This transition is influenced by attention, which determines what information is further processed.

In turn, long-term memory benefits from repeated exposure and deeper processing of sensory inputs.


  • Remembering a melody after repeated listening links echoic memory with long-term storage.
  • Visualising a familiar place depends on iconic memory’s interaction with long-term memory.

The efficient transfer of sensory information to other memory systems enables learning and decision-making.

When sensory memory falters, such as in cases of overload or distraction, the ability to retain key details diminishes.

Factors influencing sensory memory efficiency

Several factors affect the duration and efficiency of sensory memory:

  • Age: Sensory memory tends to decline with ageing, impacting processing speed and retention.
  • Attention: Focused attention improves sensory memory’s ability to transfer information.
  • Sensory impairments: Deficiencies in vision, hearing, or touch can reduce the effectiveness of sensory memory.

Strategies to enhance sensory memory include:

  • Minimising distractions to improve focus.
  • Engaging in activities that stimulate sensory perception, such as mindfulness exercises.

Mindfulness practices that involve focusing on breathing, sounds, or tactile sensations help strengthen sensory awareness.

For instance, paying attention to the sound of a bell or the texture of an object can reinforce echoic and haptic memory.

Technology designed to support sensory memory includes tools like audio reminders and visual timers.

These aids help individuals compensate for brief lapses in memory retention.

Applications and implications of sensory memory research

Understanding sensory memory offers practical benefits in various fields.


  • Teachers can design lessons incorporating visual, auditory, and tactile elements to enhance learning.
  • Repetition and reinforcement help transfer information from sensory to long-term memory.

Interactive teaching methods, such as using multimedia presentations and hands-on activities, engage multiple sensory pathways.

These strategies make learning more dynamic and memorable.

Technology and user experience

  • Designers use knowledge of sensory memory to create user-friendly interfaces.
  • Visual cues and audio feedback enhance user interactions.

Mobile apps and websites benefit from intuitive designs that align with sensory processing limits.

For example, clear icons and auditory notifications provide effective guidance.

Clinical applications

  • Sensory memory research informs therapies for cognitive impairments.
  • Techniques such as sensory integration therapy help individuals with neurological disorders.

In therapeutic contexts, sensory activities that stimulate touch, sight, and sound promote cognitive engagement.

Occupational therapists use these techniques to improve motor skills and sensory processing.

Historical and contemporary research

Research on sensory memory dates back to the late 19th century.

Pioneering studies by George Sperling in 1960 demonstrated the existence of iconic memory using partial-report techniques.

Key findings include:

  • Iconic memory’s capacity exceeds what can be reported before it fades.
  • Echoic memory experiments have shown its role in auditory language processing.

Modern neuroscience continues to explore sensory memory’s neural mechanisms, advancing our understanding of perception and cognition.

Innovations in brain imaging technology allow researchers to study sensory memory in real-time.

These advances have uncovered new insights into how sensory memory interacts with attention and emotion.

Sensory memory provides the foundation for perceiving and interacting with the world.

Its fleeting nature highlights the brain’s incredible ability to process and prioritise sensory input efficiently.

Understanding this cognitive function enhances approaches to education, technology, and health, improving experiences and outcomes for individuals across various contexts.

By integrating knowledge of sensory memory into daily life, people can sharpen their perceptual skills and enhance their cognitive performance.

This understanding paves the way for improved learning techniques, innovative technological designs, and effective therapeutic interventions.

The Surprising Effect Taking Photos Has On Your Memory

Doing this has the opposite effect than most people expect.

Doing this has the opposite effect than most people expect.

To improve your memory for an event, do not take a photo.

A study has found that taking a picture impairs memory for an event.

Ironically, it is the exact reverse of what people expect — most think it will improve their memory.

In fact, those who took pictures while on a virtual museum tour had up to 20 percent worse memory for what they had seen, psychologists found.

Ms Julia Soares, the study’s first author, said:

“People think that taking a photo will help them remember something better, but it’s actually quite the contrary.”

For the study, people taking a virtual museum tour either just looked at the paintings, or took a picture on their smartphone or used Snapchat to take a picture.

Multiple choice tests showed both groups of picture takers remembered less.

Ms Soares said:

“Whenever they used a camera, they were less likely to remember as well as when they just observed.”

Ms Soares thinks the result might be explained by disengaging attention for a moment.

In other words, taking a photo means you are less focused on what you are doing.

Taking a photo may also create the illusion that of paying attention and remembered something, when really it is a distraction.

Ms Soares said:

“I’m not saying people shouldn’t ever take photographs, but they might want to be mindful about deciding when they do it.”

The study was published in the Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (Soares & Storm, 2018).

The Foods That Can Quickly Lead To Memory Loss

The rapid damage done to the brain by eating these foods is surprising.

The rapid damage done to the brain by eating these foods is surprising.

Eating a diet of highly processed foods could seriously damage your memory.

A diet high in foods like soft drinks, chips, candy, ice-cream and packaged soups is linked to neuroinflammation and cognitive problems.

However, the omega-3 fatty acid DHA almost completely reverses this effect — even in older rats.

Foods high in DHA include salmon, trout, oysters, cod and canned tuna.

The rapid damage done to the brain by eating highly processed foods is surprising, said Dr Ruth Barrientos, study co-author:

“The fact we’re seeing these effects so quickly is a little bit alarming.

These findings indicate that consumption of a processed diet can produce significant and abrupt memory deficits—and in the aging population, rapid memory decline has a greater likelihood of progressing into neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

By being aware of this, maybe we can limit processed foods in our diets and increase consumption of foods that are rich in the omega-3 fatty acid DHA to either prevent or slow that progression.”

The study on rats fed some of them a standard diet or one that mimicked the highly processed diet that many people around the world now consume.

A third group were given the highly processed diet along with DHA supplementation.

Eating a highly processed diet caused inflammation in critical areas of the brain, including the hippocampus and amygdala.

Dr Barrientos explained:

“The amygdala in humans has been implicated in memories associated with emotional—fear and anxiety-producing—events.

If this region of the brain is dysfunctional, cues that predict danger may be missed and could lead to bad decisions.”

The hippocampus, meanwhile is vital for memory.

Rats fed the highly processed diet subsequently demonstrated memory loss, unless they were given DHA supplementation.

Prevention is better than cure, though, and highly processed foods are unhealthy in many ways, warned Dr Barrientos:

“These are the types of diets that are advertised as being low in fat, but they’re highly processed.

They have no fiber and have refined carbohydrates that are also known as low-quality carbohydrates.

Folks who are used to looking at nutritional information need to pay attention to the fiber and quality of carbohydrates.

This study really shows those things are important.”

The study was published in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity (Butler et al., 2021).

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