The Personality Trait That Protects Against Loneliness

The personality trait that cuts the risk of feeling lonely in half.

The personality trait that cuts the risk of feeling lonely in half.

People who are emotionally stable are 60 percent less likely to feel lonely, research finds.

Whether middle-aged or older, people who are able to adapt to stressful situations tend to feel less lonely.

In middle-aged people, being extraverted also helps to protect against loneliness.

This link between extraversion and reduced loneliness was not seen in the old, though.

This could be because people in middle age are more likely to be mixing with others for work or childcare.

However, no amount of extraversion will help a person who is socially isolated.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, those who lived alone in old age had the highest risk of loneliness.

People living alone in their 70s were at four times the risk of feeling lonely.

The study included over 4,000 people, some of whom were aged 45-69, others who in their 70s.

Researchers measured their personality and asked how lonely they felt.

The results showed that people with stable personalities — those who are low in neuroticism — felt less loneliness.

People who are stable tend to have low levels of anxiety, sadness and irritability.

Stable people were, on average, 60 percent less likely to feel lonely, the study found.

For the study, the researchers used machine-learning to examine the relationships between loneliness, personality and other factors.

Dr Drew Altschul, the study’s first author, said:

“The use of machine learning in this study allows us to identify and replicate differences in what risk factors are linked to loneliness in middle and older age people.

Loneliness is a growing public health issue, identifying the things that precede loneliness is difficult, however, contemporary machine learning algorithms are positioned to help identify these predictors.”

Another factor shown to protect against loneliness is wisdom.

Wise people enjoy being exposed to diverse viewpoints and other people look to them for advice.

Wise people are also skilled at filtering negative emotions and do not postpone major decisions.

The study was published in the journal Psychological Medicine (Altschul et al., 2020).

16 Personality Traits That Predict Your Happiness, Success, Long Life, IQ & Income (P)

Find out how traits like generosity, humility, agreeableness and risk tolerance are linked to success, happiness, intelligence and even financial well-being.

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Personality traits shape our lives in profound ways, influencing everything from our career choices to our health and happiness.

Psychological research has uncovered some fascinating links between personality traits and various life outcomes.

Discover the benefits of being a sad introvert or risk-tolerant or honest and humble, along with the different advantages of being an optimist, pessimist or realist.

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What Your Sleep Reveals About Your Personality

Introverts and extraverts react differently to sleep deprivation.

Introverts and extraverts react differently to sleep deprivation.

Introverts are naturally better at dealing with sleep deprivation after a busy day of social interactions, research finds.Despite being kept awake for 22 hours, introverts remained more alert than extroverts when tested the next day.It may be because introverts generally have higher cortical arousal.In contrast, extraverts are vulnerable to sleep loss after interacting with many people during the day.After being kept awake all night, they were more sleepy the next day than introverts.Dr Tracy L. Rupp, who led the study, said:
“Extroverts exposed to socially enriched environments showed greater vulnerability to subsequent sleep deprivation than did extroverts exposed to an identical but socially impoverished environmentThe ability of introverts to resist sleep loss was relatively unaffected by the social environment.Overall, the present results might also be interpreted more generally to suggest that waking experiences, along with their interaction with individual characteristics, influence vulnerability to subsequent sleep loss.”
The study included 48 people who did a series of tasks for 12 hours either on their own or in a group.Everyone was then kept awake for 22 hours and given periodic tests of alertness.Although introverts and extroverts usually slept about the same on a normal night, it was the introverts who did better on the tests after being sleep deprived.The introvert’s ability to resist sleep loss could be down to genetic factors.Social interactions are often complex and require people to regulate their attention and alertness.As a result, more sleep may be required to recover.Dr Rupp said:
“These data have practical relevance for occupational shift work and military operational assignments, and theoretical implications for understanding individual-difference factors influencing vulnerability or resiliency to sleep loss.”
The study was published in the journal Sleep (Rupp et al., 2010).

The Personality Trait Linked To Procrastination (M)

About 20 percent of people are chronic procrastinators — it is more prevalent than depression and phobias.

About 20 percent of people are chronic procrastinators -- it is more prevalent than depression and phobias.

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Why People Often Feel Empty After Fun Activities And Constantly Crave More (M)

Here’s why apparently fun activities frequently leave people  unfulfilled and craving more.

Here's why apparently fun activities frequently leave people  unfulfilled and craving more.

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The Personality Trait Linked To Good Mental Health

One trait can help protect you from anxiety and depression.

One trait can help protect you from anxiety and depression.

People with stable emotions are at a lower risk of developing anxiety and depression, research finds.

Emotional stability is linked to being better at dealing with stress and minor frustrations.

People who are emotionally stable usually find it easier to control their urges and are mostly unselfconscious.

On top of this, people with stable emotions tend to live longer, perhaps because it leads to a healthier lifestyle.

In contrast, being neurotic — the opposite of emotional stability — is linked to less happiness in life.

Unfortunately, the personality trait can lead to a shorter lifespan.

Part of the reason may be that worriers tend to self-medicate with alcohol, cigarettes and other unhealthy habits.

The conclusions come from a study of 1,788 men who were followed over 30 years.

The results showed that neurotic people were more likely to smoke and this was linked to higher mortality.

Professor Daniel K. Mroczek, the study’s first author, said:

“Research shows that higher levels of neuroticism can lead to earlier mortality, and we wanted to know why.

We found that having worrying tendencies or being the kind of person who stresses easily is likely to lead to bad behaviors like smoking and, therefore, raise the mortality rate.

This work is a reminder that high levels of some personality traits can be hazardous to one’s physical health.”

Reducing neuroticism

It is possible to change a neurotic personality, though, the results of 207 separate studies have found.

People become significantly less neurotic after undergoing therapy.

After only three months of treatment, people’s emotional stability had improved by half as much as it would over their entire adulthood.

After having psychotherapy and/or taking medication, people were also slightly more extraverted.

Both reduced neuroticism and increased extraversion were maintained in the long-term.

The study was published in the Journal of Research in Personality (Mroczek et al., 2009).

3 Personality Traits People Find It Hardest To Judge In Themselves

The traits that people find hardest (and easiest) to spot in themselves.

The traits that people find hardest (and easiest) to spot in themselves.

People are worst at judging their own levels of intelligence, attractiveness and creativity, research finds.

However, they are good at judging their own levels of anxiety and sadness.

The reason is that people are good at judging internal feelings because they have direct access to them.

However, people are worse at evaluating themselves in comparison to others.

The research underlines that we are not always at our best when judging ourselves.

Dr Simine Vazire, the study’s author, said:

“I think that it’s important to really question this knee-jerk reaction that we are our own best experts.

Personality is not who you think you are, it’s who you are.

Some people think by definition that we are the experts on our personality because we get to write the story, but personality is not the story — it’s the reality.

So, you do get to write your own story about how you think you are, and what you tell people about yourself, but there still is reality out there, and, guess what?

Other people are going to see the reality, regardless of what story you believe.”

We leave traces of our personality all around us, said Dr Vazire:

“Everything you touch you leave a mark of your personality.

You leave traces unintentionally.

You give off hints of your personality that you don’t even see yourself.”

For the study, 165 people were given tests of personality, intelligence and of how they reacted to various social situations.

The results showed that people were best at judging their own levels of anxiety.

Dr Vazire said:

“You probably know pretty well your anxiety level, whereas others might not be in the position to judge that because, after all, you can mask your inner feelings.

Others, though, are often better than the self in things that deal with overt behavior.”

Where people had difficulties, though, was in judging desirable personality traits in themselves, such as attractiveness, intelligence and creativity:

“…there is so much at stake, meaning your life is going to be so much different if you are intelligent or not intelligent, attractive or not.

Everybody wants to be seen as intelligent and attractive, but these desirable traits we’re not going to judge accurately in ourselves.”

Dr Vazire explained why these traits are so hard to judge in ourselves:

“We look in the mirror all the time, yet that’s not the same as looking at a photo of someone else.

If we spent as much time looking at photos of others as we do ourselves we’d form a much more confident and clear impression of the other’s attractiveness than we would have of our own.

Yet after looking in the mirror for five minutes we’re still left wondering, ‘Am I attractive or not?’ And still have no clue.

And it’s not the case that we all assume that we’re beautiful, right?”

The study was published in the  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Vazire, 2010).

The Personality Trait Linked To The Worst Hangovers

The study of 97 social drinkers had them either drink six units of alcohol or remain sober.

The study of 97 social drinkers had them either drink six units of alcohol or remain sober.

Very shy people get highly anxious the day after drinking alcohol, research reveals.

Dubbed “hangxiety”, it involves a combination of being hungover and very anxious.

Compared to more outgoing people, the shy experience much higher levels of anxiety the day after drinking.

Professor Celia Morgan, who led the study, said:

“We know that many people drink to ease anxiety felt in social situations, but this research suggests that this might have rebound consequences the next day, with more shy individuals more likely to experience this, sometimes debilitating, aspect of hangover.

These findings also suggest that hangxiety in turn might be linked to people’s chance of developing a problem with alcohol.”

The study of 97 social drinkers had them either drink six units of alcohol or remain sober.

The results revealed that shy people felt slightly less shy while intoxicated.

However, they paid for this with much more anxiety the next day.

Ms Beth Marsh, the study’s first author, said:

“And while statistics show that, overall, people are drinking less, those with lower levels of health and wellbeing – perhaps including people experiencing anxiety – are still often doing so.”

Professor Morgan said:

“It’s about accepting being shy or an introvert.

This might help transition people away from heavy alcohol use.

It’s a positive trait.

It’s OK to be quiet.”

The study was published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences (Marsh et al., 2019).

This Is How Much Your Parents Really Shape Your Personality (M)

Is your personality more influenced by genetics, upbringing or something else?

Is your personality more influenced by genetics, upbringing or something else?

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4 Awesome Ways Exercise Changes Your Personality

Focusing on how habits are initiated is key to getting regular exercise.

Focusing on how habits are initiated is key to getting regular exercise.

Exercise makes people more extraverted and agreeable, research finds.

These are just two of the positive changes that modest amounts of exercise can have on personality.

Exercise also increases people’s conscientiousness and makes them more open to experience.

A few of the benefits of these personality changes include:

  • More extraverted people tend to have more positive emotions,
  • greater conscientiousness can lead to more success in life,
  • and being open to experience is linked to intelligence and creativity.

In contrast, those who remain sedentary tend to see the opposite pattern of changes to their personality.

These include reduced agreeableness, being more closed to experience and less conscientious.

The conclusions come from a study of over six thousand people who were followed for more than twenty years.

They each completed surveys that asked them about their personalities and levels of exercise.

The results showed that only relatively small amounts of exercise were linked to positive changes in personality over the years.

The study’s authors write:

“A physically inactive lifestyle has a range of long-term
biological, health and cognitive outcomes, such as higher risk of frailty, worse mental and physical health and declines in
memory and executive functions.

Such outcomes, in turn, may have a long-term impact on personality, such as reductions in the tendency to be self-disciplined and organized or to be exploratory and curious.

Indeed, cognitive decline, greater frailty, and more
depressive symptoms and disease burden have been associated with reduced conscientiousness and openness over time.”

Focusing on how habits are initiated is key to getting regular exercise, studies have found.

It’s all about making sure there are regular cues which prompt you to automatically exercise.

To create good exercise habits, you should focus on what starts you exercising, not what type of exercise you do.

The study was published in the Journal of Research in Personality (Stephan et al., 2018).

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