How We Know Babies Are Born With The Structure of Language

Study finds that two-day-old infants prefer word-like basic linguistic building blocks.

Study finds that two-day-old infants prefer word-like basic linguistic building blocks.

A new study finds evidence that we are born with fundamental knowledge about language, helping to explain one of our greatest abilities.

Researchers in the US and Italy have found that newborn infants between two- and five-days-old already prefer syllables which are more ‘word-like’ over those not usually found in human languages (Gomez et al., 2014).

In the study, the researchers played back ‘good’ and ‘bad’ words to the newborns while using near-infrared spectroscopy to monitor the oxygenation of the blood in their brains.

An example of a ‘good’ syllable is ‘bl’ which is found in many languages around the world: there’s blando in Italian, blusa in Spanish and blink in English, amongst many, many other examples.

In contrast, a ‘bad’ syllable is ‘lb’ which is a much less frequent combination found in low frequencies in few languages (including Russian).

The idea is that we have an inbuilt tendency to prefer particular basic building-blocks of language over others.

In the example above we prefer ‘bla’ over ‘lba’.

The question is whether we are born with this preference or is it something that we learn with exposure to language over time.

The new study supports the idea that these preferences for certain types of syllables are inborn.

Infants who haven’t even learned how to babble yet seem to be born with a sense of how words should sound.

One of the study’s authors, Professor Iris Berent said:

“The results of this new study suggest that, the sound patterns of human languages are the product of an inborn biological instinct, very much like birdsong,”

This helps explain similarities in the structure of many languages, since they are likely based on common inbuilt preference for how languages should sound at a very basic level.

That’s why babies can arrive in the world and be confident that whatever language those around them speak, they will be able to pick it up.

Image credit: Paolo Marconi

4 Amazing Brain Animations

Amazing glass brain fly-through, the effects of cocaine, and more…

Amazing glass brain fly-through, the effects of cocaine, and more…

1. Glass brain fly-through

“This is an anatomically-realistic 3D brain visualization depicting real-time source-localized activity (power and “effective” connectivity) from EEG (electroencephalographic) signals. Each color represents source power and connectivity in a different frequency band (theta, alpha, beta, gamma) and the golden lines are white matter anatomical fiber tracts.”

2. 3-D tour of intact mouse brain

“CLARITY makes possible this 3D tour of an entire, intact mouse brain. It was imaged using a fluorescence technique that previously could only be performed with thinly-sliced brain tissue, making it difficult to relate micro-level findings to macro-level information about wiring and circuitry.”

3. Neurotransmitter synapse 3D animation

“Neurotransmitter synapse 3D animation.”

4. How does cocaine affect the brain?

“This CGI animated sequence demonstrates how cocaine effects the user’s brain.”

Image credit: Glass Brain Project, Adam Gazzaley

The Unconscious Mind Can Spot a Lie Even When the Conscious Mind Fails

New study finds that the conscious mind may hamper our abilities to detect lying.

New study finds that the conscious mind may hamper our abilities to detect lying.

It’s remarkably difficult to tell when other people are lying.

That’s not just my opinion, that’s the result of many studies on lying conducted over the years.

As, Leanne ten Brinke, the author of a new study investigating lie detection, says:

“Our research was prompted by the puzzling but consistent finding that humans are very poor lie detectors, performing at only about 54% accuracy in traditional lie detection tasks.”

Given that 50% is pure chance, this isn’t much of an improvement.

But perhaps our unconscious minds are naturally better at lie detection and our conscious minds get in the way of that innate ability?

That’s what ten Brinke et al. (2014) tested by having participants watch videos of suspects in a mock-crime interview.

Some of these videos showed people lying about having stolen some money, while others showed them telling the truth.

Could the participants tell the difference?

The results showed that, consciously, they were very poor at telling who was lying and who wasn’t.

Lies were detected 43% of the time and truth-telling only 48% of the time. Neither even broke through the pure chance barrier.

The experimenters, however, also gave participants a test of what their unconscious thought.

They were shown a series of words, some associated with lying and others associated with truth-telling.

What they found was that participants displayed an unconscious association between the words related to deception and the suspects who had been lying.

Similarly, truth-related words were unconsciously associated with the suspects who’d been telling the truth.

On the unconscious test, then, participants did much better than they did consciously.

These findings challenge the traditional view of human beings as terrible lie detectors:

“Across two experiments, indirect measures of accuracy in deception detection were superior to traditional, direct measures, providing strong evidence for the idea that, although humans can’t consciously report who is lying and who is telling the truth, somewhere on a less conscious level we do actually have a sense of when someone is lying.”

The question then becomes: if on some level we know when people are lying, how can we access this information?

At present, we don’t know.

Image credit: Nicholas Noyes & Banksy

Mysterious Brain Region That is Vital to How You Decide

Whether you’re choosing between job offers or deciding which car or house to buy, this region is probably involved.

Whether you’re choosing between job offers or deciding which car or house to buy, this region is probably involved.

One of the smallest parts of the brain has a vital role in decision-making, a new study suggests.

The area of the brain, the lateral habenula, near the centre, has previously been associated with avoidant behaviour and depression, but is now being looked at again.

Professor Stan Floresco, one of the study’s authors said:

“These findings clarify the brain processes involved in the important decisions that we make on a daily basis, from choosing between job offers to deciding which house or car to buy.

“It also suggests that the scientific community has misunderstood the true functioning of this mysterious, but important, region of the brain.”

The results come from a study of mice in which they were trained to choose between larger and smaller rewards (Stopper & Floresco, 2013).

The trick was that the larger rewards appeared less frequently, while the smaller rewards were more consistent.

Think of it like the difference between the entrepreneur betting everything on their company going public and the less glamorous wage-earner taking home a regular pay-packet.

Like humans, the mice usually preferred the smaller rewards when the risks for reaping the larger rewards were greater.

However, when the lateral habenula was turned off the rats showed no discrimination, they just chose an option seemingly at random.

This was not what would have been predicted from previous theories.

Scientists had thought that turning off this area of the brain would cause the rats to take more risks and go for the larger reward.

The study may have important implications for the way that depression is treated.

Professor Stan Floresco explained:

“Deep brain stimulation — which is thought to inactivate the lateral habenula — has been reported to improve depressive symptoms in humans.

But our findings suggest these improvements may not be because patients feel happier.

They may simply no longer care as much about what is making them feel depressed.”

Image credit: Life Mental Health

Origins of Language: Neanderthals May Have Been Able to Talk

New micro x-ray imaging study suggests Neanderthals had vocal apparatus for speech.

New micro x-ray imaging study suggests Neanderthals had vocal apparatus for speech.

Although we like to think of human language as being unique, new research suggests that Neanderthals may have spoken a language not too dissimilar to those used today.

Scientists have long thought that Neanderthals — who shared the Earth with our human ancestors for thousands of years — had neither the physiological equipment nor the cognitive capacity for language.

However, a new insight has come from micro x-ray imaging of a Neanderthal’s hyoid bone, a bone that is central to tongue movement and swallowing.

The 60,000 year old Neanderthal remains were originally found in Israel in 1983.

While the shape of the hyoid bone was virtually identical to our own, with the technology available then it wasn’t possible to show this meant they may have been able to talk.

Now, though, a new analysis published in PLoS ONE, suggests language may be much older than was previously thought (D’Anastasio et al., 2013).

One of the study’s authors, Stephen Wroe, explains:

“By analysing the mechanical behaviour of the fossilised bone with micro x-ray imaging, we were able to build models of the hyoid that included the intricate internal structure of the bone.

We then compared them to models of modern humans.

Our comparisons showed that in terms of mechanical behaviour, the Neanderthal hyoid was basically indistinguishable from our own, strongly suggesting that this key part of the vocal tract was used in the same way.

From this research, we can conclude that it’s likely that the origins of speech and language are far, far older than once thought.”

Evidence of similarities in the hyoid bone don’t prove that Neanderthals could talk, of course. For that, more concrete evidence would be required.

Nevertheless, it’s an intriguing finding that Neanderthals had some of the basic vocal hardware required.

Whether or not they had the requisite cognitive capacity is another question altogether — one that the passage of time has made very difficult to answer.

Image credit: Erich Ferdinand

How New Ideas Change Your Brain Cells

Our ability to remember and learn is powered by a crucial molecular change.

Our ability to remember and learn is powered by a crucial molecular change.

A new study has identified an important molecular change which takes place in the brain when we learn and remember (Brigidi et al., 2014).

Learning changes the way a fatty acid in the brain attaches to a protein called delta-catenin.

This change is essential in adjusting the connectivity between brain cells, which enables us to learn.

One of the study’s authors, Shernaz Bamji, explained:

“More work is needed, but this discovery gives us a much better understanding of the tools our brains use to learn and remember, and provides insight into how these processes become disrupted in neurological diseases.”

The results come from the study of an animal model.

They found that after learning about new environments, the levels of modified delta-catenin were almost doubled.

Delta-catenin has been previously identified as playing an important role in memory, but this is the first study to show the molecular mechanism at work.

The study’s lead author, Stefano Brigidi, said:

“Brain activity can change both the structure of this protein, as well as its function. When we introduced a mutation that blocked the biochemical modification that occurs in healthy subjects, we abolished the structural changes in brain’s cells that are known to be important for memory formation.”

The findings may also shed light on why people with some mental disabilities find it hard to learn.

For example, people with a rare genetic disorder called Cri-du-chat syndrome–named after the distinctive cry of affected infants–have a gene deletion which disrupts delta-catenin.

There have also been links made between delta-catenin and the severe mental disorder schizophrenia.

Image credit: MR McGill

Footsie, Putters, Creepy Robots, Pain and Nakedness: 5 Wacky Psych Experiments and What They Tell Us About Being Human

Studies reveal ironic mental processes, our love of secrets, why robots are creepy and more…

Studies reveal ironic mental processes, our love of secrets, why robots are creepy and more…

Some psychology experiments are so wild and wacky that, at first glance, you can’t help wondering if the experimenters are unhinged.

Harvard psychologist Daniel Wegner, who sadly passed away last year, was dedicated to making his experiments interesting to take part in and having them produce deep psychological insights.

He usually succeeded on both levels.

Below are five studies he and colleagues carried out and what they tell us about being human.

1. What putting can tell you about mental control

Putting golf balls might not seem the most psychologically revealing activity but I can assure you it is!

In this study participants were ushered into room lit only by a UV light. Some were given a putter that glowed orange, others a black one so they couldn’t see it (Wegner et al., 1998).

They were then told to shoot a yellow ball at a glowing target and sometimes specifically asked not to overshoot the hole.

Sometimes while putting they were also told to keep a six-digit number in their heads.

A weird thing happened: when people tried particularly hard not to overshoot the hole, that was when they tended to overshoot it the most.

If participants were told to try and keep a six-digit number in their heads at the same time, they overshot the hole even more.

The purpose of the different coloured putter was to look at the influence of self-monitoring. The study found people’s putts became even worse when they could see the putter in their hands.

Interpretation: known as an ‘ironic process’, sometimes the harder we try not to do something, the more likely we are to do it.

This seems to be particularly true in sports where it’s vital to let the body do what it’s good at, rather than trying to take conscious control.

Anyone who has ever tried to push something out of their minds (cake, cigarettes, a forbidden lover…) knows it’s apt to come back even stronger.

2. What footsie reveals about secret relationships

Participants in this study were told to engage in a little footsie under the table with a stranger (Wegner et al., 1994).

However, some pairs were told to keep their footsie secret from another couple who were also sat at the table, while other pairs did not keep their footsie a secret.

When they were asked afterwards, the participants who’d been keeping their footsie secret were significantly more attracted to each other than those who’d been conducting their footsie openly.

Interpretation: People love secrets: even the simplest things can become exciting if only they are kept secret. People obsess over secrets way more than things that are well-known to others.

3. What creepy robots tell us about being human

People were shown a video of a lifelike robot, either from the back so that they could only see a bunch of wires, or from the front (below) so they could see its childlike face (Gray & Wegner, 2012).

The robot–which was called ‘Kasper’ and designed to help children with autism–simply moved around in the video.


What they found was that adults found the robot particularly creepy when they could see its human-like face, but much less so when all they could see was a bunch of wires.

Interpretation: People find robots creepy because we associate experiencing thoughts and emotions with being human. When a human-like robot appears to be experiencing things we get creeped out.

Experiencing the world through our senses may be even more fundamental to being human than our sense of having control over ourselves.

4. How nakedness changes perceptions of mind

People were shown pictures of both men and women with their shirts on and shirts off, with all their clothes on or completely naked (Gray et al., 2011).

They were then asked questions that examined how we think about people based on whether or not they are wearing clothes.

What they found was that when people are naked, we tend to think of them as having less control over themselves but more access to experience.

Interpretation: When people are naked, it’s not accurate to say that we just objectify them, seeing them purely as physical objects without minds. However, we do change how we think about their minds.

When naked, we see other people less as moral agents capable of competent actions and more as feeling beings.

5. The psychology of pain

Participants in a study by Gray and Wegner (2008) were told the experimenters were investigating ‘psychophysical perception’; in fact it was all about pain.

They were paired up with someone who was actually in on the experiment, but who participants thought was just another innocent like them.

One part of the study involved the real participants receiving electrical shocks to their hand.

It was set up so that some participants thought the other person had deliberately chosen to give them the pain perception test when there was another option that didn’t involve pain.

For other participants, though, it appeared that the other person had no choice but to administer the pain perception test.

Participants who thought the other person was deliberately inflicting the pain on them experienced the pain as more intense than those who thought the other person had no choice.

Interpretation: pain has a large psychological component and part of that component can be social. When we are physically hurt it feels more intense if the other person meant to do it.

Image credit: Tom Lin

Superstars of Psychology: 10 Best Short Talks (Videos)

Here are 10 of the best talks about psychology from some of the superstars of this and related fields.

Here are 10 of the best talks about psychology from some of the superstars of this and related fields.

1. Philip Zimbardo: The psychology of evil

“Philip Zimbardo knows how easy it is for nice people to turn bad. In this talk, he shares insights and graphic unseen photos from the Abu Ghraib trials. Then he talks about the flip side: how easy it is to be a hero, and how we can rise to the challenge.”

2. Barry Schwartz: The paradox of choice

“Psychologist Barry Schwartz takes aim at a central tenet of western societies: freedom of choice. In Schwartz’s estimation, choice has made us not freer but more paralyzed, not happier but more dissatisfied.”

3. Alison Gopnik: What do babies think?

“Alison Gopnik takes us into the fascinating minds of babies and children, and shows us how much we understand before we even realize we do.”

4. Steven Pinker: Human nature and the blank slate

“Steven Pinker’s book The Blank Slate argues that all humans are born with some innate traits. Here, Pinker talks about his thesis, and why some people found it incredibly upsetting.”

5. Rebecca Saxe: How we read each other’s minds

“Sensing the motives and feelings of others is a natural talent for humans. But how do we do it? Here, Rebecca Saxe shares fascinating lab work that uncovers how the brain thinks about other peoples’ thoughts — and judges their actions.”

6. Elyn Saks: A tale of mental illness — from the inside

“Is it okay if I totally trash your office?” It’s a question Elyn Saks once asked her doctor, and it wasn’t a joke. A legal scholar, in 2007 Saks came forward with her own story of schizophrenia, controlled by drugs and therapy but ever-present. In this powerful talk, she asks us to see people with mental illness clearly, honestly and compassionately.

7. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: Flow, the secret to happiness

“Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi asks, “What makes a life worth living?” Noting that money cannot make us happy, he looks to those who find pleasure and lasting satisfaction in activities that bring about a state of “flow.””

8. Dan Ariely: Why we think it’s OK to cheat and steal (sometimes)

“Behavioral economist Dan Ariely studies the bugs in our moral code: the hidden reasons we think it’s OK to cheat or steal (sometimes). Clever studies help make his point that we’re predictably irrational — and can be influenced in ways we can’t grasp.”

9. VS Ramachandran: 3 clues to understanding your brain

“Vilayanur Ramachandran tells us what brain damage can reveal about the connection between celebral tissue and the mind, using three startling delusions as examples.”

10.Elizabeth Loftus: The fiction of memory

“Psychologist Elizabeth Loftus studies memories. More precisely, she studies false memories, when people either remember things that didn’t happen or remember them differently from the way they really were. It’s more common than you might think, and Loftus shares some startling stories and statistics, and raises some important ethical questions we should all remember to consider.”

Have You Heard? Some Gossip Can Be Good for Groups

A study of gossip has found that it can have positive effects on group behaviour, including encouraging cooperation and deterring selfishness.

A study of gossip has found that it can have positive effects on group behaviour, including encouraging cooperation and deterring selfishness.

Some gossip, researchers find, can help protect against the exploitation of nice people and promote the ostracism of bullies.

The findings comes from a new study by Feinberg et al. (2014) who had 216 participants playing a game in groups which involved financial choices.

The game is set up so that people are supposed to work cooperatively with each other, but they can benefit from it by being selfish.

Except in this study, between rounds people changed groups and were allowed to gossip about people in the last group.

This meant that if people were selfish, their reputation got passed on to others and they ended up being ostracised.

With the more selfish people excluded from the game, the groups were able to perform better.

The study’s lead author, Matthew Feinberg, explained:

“Groups that allow their members to gossip sustain cooperation and deter selfishness better than those that don’t. And groups do even better if they can gossip and ostracize untrustworthy members. While both of these behaviors can be misused, our findings suggest that they also serve very important functions for groups and society.”

Those who decided to be more selfish, however, often learned from their mistakes after they were ostracised. The threat served to improve their behaviour.

Co-author Rob Willer explained:

“Those who do not reform their behavior, behaving selfishly despite the risk of gossip and ostracism, tended to be targeted by other group members who took pains to tell future group members about the person’s untrustworthy behavior. These future groups could then detect and exclude more selfish individuals, ensuring they could avoid being taken advantage of.”

This study backs up previous findings which have shown that people are more generous when they know others may talk about their reputation.

Of course not all gossip serves such benevolent purposes–a lot of it is just pernicious.

But along with the irrelevant or damaging information can come crucial indicators about other people’s reputation. Often this sort of informal word would be difficult to get by other means.

Gossiping is good for you

Not only that, but passing on gossip can actually be therapeutic.

A previous study by Feinberg et al. (2012) found that people felt better after passing on information about other people’s antisocial behaviour.

Matthew Feinberg said:

“Spreading information about the person whom they had seen behave badly tended to make people feel better, quieting the frustration that drove their gossip.”

Image credit: jamacab

Painless Brain Stimulation Improves Mental Arithmetic in Five Days

Transcranial Random Noise Stimulation can improve learning and speed up mental calculations.

Transcranial Random Noise Stimulation can improve learning and speed up mental calculations.

The study, carried out at Oxford University, gave participants just five days of training with a relatively new form of brain stimulation: transcranial random noise stimulation (Snowball et al., 2013).

Some participants in the study had parts of their brains electrically stimulated while they were learning calculation drills.

Another group had a ‘sham’ treatment which appeared the same to participants, but crucially the machine was turned off after just 30 seconds.

Learning faster

The area targeted by the brain stimulation was in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Activity in this area has been associated with learning, memory and executive control.

The results, which are published in the journal Current Biology, demonstrated that those receiving the brain stimulation learned more quickly and were faster to make the mental calculations.

Crucially, these gains were still evident when participants were tested again six months later.

Less mental effort

The study also examined physiological changes in the brain as a result of the training programme.

By measuring changes in blood haemoglobin concentrations, the researchers were able to calculate how hard the brain was working while doing maths.

What emerged was that, after training, the brains of those who had received stimulation had lower peak concentrations of blood haemoglobin.

This suggests the brain may not have been working as hard to achieve the same results. The authors think this may be because the relevant brain regions are displaying: “more efficient neurovascular coupling”.

The results of this study provide encouragement for those looking for ways to enhance cognitive function.

One of the study’s authors, Roi Cohen Kadosh, explained:

“Maths is a highly complex cognitive faculty that is based on a myriad of different abilities. If we can enhance mathematics, therefore, there is a good chance that we will be able to enhance simpler cognitive functions.”

Image credit: Enzo Varriale

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