How Borderline Personality Disorder Affects The Brain

Why people with borderline personality disorder have poor relationships.

Why people with borderline personality disorder have poor relationships.

People with borderline personality disorder find it difficult to empathise, a new study finds.

Dr Brian Haas, the study’s lead author, said:

“Our results showed that people with BPD traits had reduced activity in brain regions that support empathy.

This reduced activation may suggest that people with more BPD traits have a more difficult time understanding and/or predicting how others feel, at least compared to individuals with fewer BPD traits.”

The results come from 80 participants who were given a test of borderline personality disorder (BPD).

Like all personality traits, it exists on a continuum: you can be a little BPD or a lot.

Dr Haas explained:

“Oftentimes, borderline personality disorder is considered a binary phenomenon.

Either you have it or you don’t.

But for our study, we conceptualized and measured it in a more continuous way such that individuals can vary along a continuum of no traits to very many BPD traits.”

In the brain scanner, people carried out a task which required them to think about other people’s emotional states.

The researchers found that those with more traits of BPD had less activity in two areas of the brain linked to empathic processing.

Dr Joshua Miller, who co-authored the study, said:

“Borderline personality disorder is considered one of the most severe and troubling personality disorders.

BPD can make it difficult to have successful friendships and romantic relationships.

These findings could help explain why that is.”

The research was published in the journal Personality Disorders (Haas & Miller, 2015).

• Read on: Borderline Personality Disorder: 8 Classic Signs You Should Know

Network brain image from Shutterstock

An Everyday Activity That Boosts Brain Size And Flexible Thinking

How to think more flexibly and grow a larger brain.

How to think more flexibly and grow a larger brain.

Adults who are more physically active have greater mental flexibility, new research reports.

On top of this, those who do more exercise have larger brain volumes and more intact white matter.

The new research found that moderate or vigorous physical activity was linked to more variable brain activity in older adults.

It’s known that variable brain activity is linked to performing better on complex cognitive tasks.

Professor Agnieszka Burzynska, who led the research said:

“We looked at 100 adults between the ages of 60 and 80, and we used accelerometers to objectively measure their physical activity over a week.

We found that spontaneous brain activity showed more moment-to-moment fluctuations in the more-active adults.

In a previous study, we showed that in some of the same regions of the brain, those people who have higher brain variability also performed better on complex cognitive tasks, especially on intelligence tasks and memory.”

Participants had their brains scanned and the amount of exercise they’d done over a week recorded.

The microscopic integrity of the brain’s white-matter fibres was also examined.

The white matter is the brain’s cabling: it transmits signals between different areas.

Professor Art Kramer, also a study author, said:

“Our study, when viewed in the context of previous studies that have examined behavioral variability in cognitive tasks, suggests that more-fit older adults are more flexible, both cognitively and in terms of brain function, than their less-fit peers.”

Not only does the study underline the mental benefits of exercise, it also provides another way to assess brain health in aging.

Professor Burzynska said:

“We want to know how the brain relates to the body, and how physical health influences mental and brain health in aging.

Here, instead of a structural measure, we are taking a functional measure of brain health.

And we are finding that tracking changes in blood-oxygenation levels over time is useful for predicting cognitive functioning and physical health in aging.”

One day it may be possible to tell how physically fit a person is by imaging the brain.

The study was published in the journal PLOS ONE (Burzynska et al., 2015).

Network brain image from Shutterstock

The Genetic ‘Advantage’ to Madness? Common Belief Supported by Study

Genetic study supports common belief about bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

Genetic study supports common belief about bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

Genes which boost creativity may also increase the chance of developing bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, a new study has found.

Creativity and psychiatric disorders have previously been linked.

For example, people in creative professions are more likely to have psychiatric illnesses in their family — particularly bipolar disorder.

However, it wasn’t clear whether common genes were involved.

The study looked at 86,292 people in Finland.

Members of the national artistic societies of actors, musicians, writers and dancers were taken to be more creative individuals.

The link to their genetics was then examined.

Dr Robert A Power, the study’s first author, explained the results:

“Our findings suggest that creative people may have a genetic predisposition towards thinking differently which, when combined with other harmful biological or environmental factors, could lead to mental illness.”

Creative people had elevated genetic risk scores for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

The risk was around midway between the general population and those with the mental illnesses.

Dr Robert said:

“For most psychiatric disorders little is known about the underlying biological pathways that lead to illness.

An idea that has gained credibility is that these disorders reflect extremes of the normal spectrum of human behaviour, rather than a distinct psychiatric illness.

By knowing which healthy behaviours, such as creativity, share their biology with psychiatric illnesses we gain a better understanding of the thought processes that lead a person to become ill and how the brain might be going wrong.”

The study was published in the journal Nature Neuroscience (Power et al., 2015).

• Read on: The Dark Side of Creativity.

Creativity image from Shutterstock

The Creativity Secret That Most People Don’t Know

Creativity study reveals an unexpected tip.

Creativity study reveals an unexpected tip.

The more you consciously think, the less creative you are, a new study finds.

The researchers had people playing ‘Pictionary’, a game where you have to try and draw a word.

At the same time their brains were scanned to see which areas were most active, and when.

Professor Allan Reiss, one of the study’s authors, explained the results:

“We found that activation of the brain’s executive-control centers — the parts of the brain that enable you to plan, organize and manage your activities — is negatively associated with creative task performance.

Creativity is an incredibly valued human attribute in every single human endeavor, be it work or play.

In art, science and business, creativity is the engine that drives progress.

As a practicing psychiatrist, I even see its importance to interpersonal relationships.

People who can think creatively and flexibly frequently have the best outcomes.”

Below are some of the pictures that people drew.

The words they were trying to describe are on the left:


Instead of the brain’s executive control centre, researchers found that people drew more creative pictures when the cerebellum was activated.

The cerebellum is an area at the back of the brain which coordinates movement.

Naturally, neuroscientist have not previously connected this area of the brain with creativity.

Professor Reiss explained:

“It’s likely that the cerebellum is the coordination center for the rest of brain, allowing other regions to be more efficient.

As our study also shows, sometimes a deliberate attempt to be creative may not be the best way to optimize your creativity.

While greater effort to produce creative outcomes involves more activity of executive-control regions, you actually may have to reduce activity in those regions in order to achieve creative outcomes.

Dr Manish Saggar, the study’s first authors, summed it up neatly:

“The more you think about it, the more you mess it up.”

The study was published in the journal Scientific Reports (Sagger et al., 2015).

• Read on: How To Be Creative

Lightbulb image from Shutterstock

The Surprising Mental Benefit To Glancing At a Grassy Rooftop for 40 Seconds

The surprising effect of glancing at a grassy rooftop for just 40 seconds.

The surprising effect of glancing at a grassy rooftop for just 40 seconds.

Taking a 40 second break to glance at a grassy rooftop boosts concentration and reduces mental errors, a new study finds.

Dr Kate Lee, of the University of Melbourne Faculty of Science, who led the study, said:

“We know that green roofs are great for the environment, but now we can say that they boost attention too.

Imagine the impact that has for thousands of employees working in nearby offices.

This study showed us that looking at an image of nature for less than a minute was all it took to help people perform better on our task.

Dr Lee continued:

“It’s really important to have micro-breaks.

It’s something that a lot of us do naturally when we’re stressed or mentally fatigued.

There’s a reason you look out the window and seek nature, it can help you concentrate on your work and to maintain performance across the workday.

Certainly this study has implications for workplace well-being and adds extra impetus to continue greening our cities.

City planners around the world are switching on to these benefits of green roofs and we hope the future of our cities will be a very green one.”

The study was published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology (Lee et al., 2015)

Network brain image from Shutterstock

Creativity Boost From Method That May Also Treat Depression

New method found to increase creativity and could be used to treat depression.

New method found to increase creativity and could be used to treat depression.

A small amount of electricity applied to the brain can increase creativity, a new study finds.

Electricity applied at the correct frequency to the scalp can enhance the brain’s natural alpha rhythms.

Dr Flavio Frohlich, PhD, one of the study’s authors, said:

“We’ve provided the first evidence that specifically enhancing alpha oscillations is a causal trigger of a specific and complex behavior — in this case, creativity.

But our goal is to use this approach to help people with neurological and psychiatric illnesses.

For instance, there is strong evidence that people with depression have impaired alpha oscillations.

If we could enhance these brain activity patterns, then we could potentially help many people.”

The researchers are now running studies to test the effect on depression.

Dr Frohlich continued:

“The fact that we’ve managed to enhance creativity in a frequency-specific way — in a carefully-done double-blinded placebo-controlled study — doesn’t mean that we can definitely treat people with depression.

But if people with depression are stuck in a thought pattern and fail to appropriately engage with reality, then we think it’s possible that enhancing alpha oscillations could be a meaningful, noninvasive, and inexpensive treatment paradigm for them — similar to how it enhanced creativity in healthy participants.”

The research comes as a result of a revolution in how scientists think about alpha waves.

Originally discovered by Hans Berger in 1929, alpha waves are most prominent when we shut off sensory stimuli by, for example, closing our eyes.

Dr Frohlich said:

“For a long time, people thought alpha waves represented the brain idling.

But over the past 20 years we’ve developed much better insight.

Our brains are not wasting energy, creating these patterns for nothing.

When the brain is decoupled from the environment, it still does important things.”

Treat depression

For the study, researchers placed two electrodes over the frontal cortex and one at the back.

They found that people were much more creative when the current was applied at the correct frequency of 10 Hertz.

In comparison 40 Hertz oscillations did nothing for people.

Dr Frohlich said:

“Using 40 Hertz, we saw no effect on creativity.

The effect we saw was specific to the 10-hertz alpha oscillations.

There’s no statistical trickery.

You just have to look at each participant’s test to see these effects.”

Frohlich said, though, that their focus was on finding a treatment for depression:

“There are people that are cognitively impaired and need help, and sometimes there are no medications that help or the drugs have serious side effects.

Helping these populations of people is why we do this kind of research.”

The study was published in the journal Cortex (Lustenberger et al., 2015).

Lightbulb image from Shutterstock

The Creative Therapy Which Reduces Depression in Young and Old Alike

Boosts to self-esteem and depression from this creative therapy, new study finds.

Boosts to self-esteem and depression from this creative therapy, new study finds.

Music therapy can reduce depression in children and adolescents with emotional and behavioural problems, a large new study finds.

It comes soon after a positive review of the evidence for music therapy in older people.

The new three-year study followed 251 children who were split into two groups: around half were given care as normal, while the other half were given normal care plus musical therapy.

The music therapy itself included things like the therapist asking children to describe how they felt by playing a tune.

All the children in the study were being treated for behavioural, emotional or developmental problems.

The results showed that those who received the music therapy had higher self-esteem and reduced depression in comparison to those that had care as usual.

The early results suggest the effects are long-lasting.

Professor Sam Porter, who led the study, said:

“This study is hugely significant in terms of determining effective treatments for children and young people with behavioral problems and mental health needs.”

This study is particularly notable as much research into music therapy is poorly designed and of relatively limited scope.

Ciara Reilly, Chief Executive of the Northern Ireland Music Therapy Trust, said:

“Music therapy has often been used with children and young people with particular mental health needs, but this is the first time its effectiveness has been shown by a definitive randomized controlled trial in a clinical setting.

The findings are dramatic and underscore the need for music therapy to be made available as a mainstream treatment option.

For a long time we have relied on anecdotal evidence and small-scale research findings about how well music therapy works.

Now we have robust clinical evidence to show its beneficial effects.”

The study comes soon after a review of research on music therapy, which found it can also have beneficial effects for older people (Eells, 2014).

Simply listening to music, as well as singing along, were found to be beneficial for older adults experiencing long-term depression, anxiety and pain.

While medication can provide some relief, many people, quite naturally, prefer music.

Not only does music improve feelings, but it can help memory, provide a better connection to others and increases overall quality of life.

Image credit: Sam Nasim

The Positive Effect of Creative Hobbies on Performance at Work

Why photography, cooking or other creative hobbies might help you get on at work.

Why photography, cooking or other creative hobbies might help you get on at work.

People who have a creative hobby outside work may find it boosts their work performance, according to a new study by organisational psychologists.

The study looked at the indirect effect of creative hobbies like photography, needlework or cooking on work performance (Eschleman et al., 2014).

The study found that creative hobbies may help employees recover from the demands of their job.

People in the study talked passionately about their activities outside of work.

The study’s lead author, Kevin Eschleman, said:

“They usually describe it as lush, as a deep experience that provides a lot of things for them.

“But they also talk about this idea of self-expression and an opportunity to really discover something about themselves, and that isn’t always captured with the current recovery experience models.”

In the study, two groups of people were asked about their creative activities outside work and also how creative they were at work.

The first group of 341 employees self-rated their job performance while a second group of 92 US Air Force captains were evaluated by coworkers and subordinates.

The results from both samples showed that those who had a creative hobby were more likely to feel a sense of relaxation outside work and to feel greater control and a sense of mastery.

At work, meanwhile, those with a creative hobby were more likely to help others and to be more creative in the performance of their job.

Statistical analysis suggested that the better job performance was partly a result of a greater sense of mastery and control during off-time.

Creative recovery

This study doesn’t mean organisations should start forcing employees to take up creative hobbies.

Eschleman continued:

“One of the main concerns is that you don’t want to have someone feel like their organization is controlling them, especially when it comes to creative activities.

Because intrinsic motivation is part of that unique experience that comes with creative activity.”

Instead the authors suggest:

“Large organizations, such as Zappos Inc., incorporate employee artwork into office decorations.

Other similar activities commonly found in organizations include food cook-offs, cross-discipline education opportunities, and costume contests during holidays.

A more cost-effective and less intrusive approach for organization is to inform employees that creative activity may help them recover from the workplace.” (Eschleman et al., 2014)

Image credit: Margot Gabel

Similarities in Dopamine System Between Highly Creative People and Schizophrenics

“Thinking outside the box might be facilitated by having a somewhat less intact box.”

“Thinking outside the box might be facilitated by having a somewhat less intact box.”

Swedish researchers have found similarities in the dopamine system between highly creative individuals and those with schizophrenia.

The study, published in PLoS ONE, fuels the debate about the connection between madness and creativity (Manzano et al., 2010).

One of the study’s author, associate professor Fredrik Ullén, explained:

“The study shows that highly creative people who did well on the divergent tests had a lower density of D2 receptors in the thalamus than less creative people.

“Schizophrenics are also known to have low D2 density in this part of the brain, suggesting a cause of the link between mental illness and creativity.”

The reason for the focus on the thalamus is that it serves as a kind of relay centre for the brain, filtering information before it reaches other areas responsible for higher-level thinking.

“Fewer D2 receptors in the thalamus probably means a lower degree of signal filtering, and thus a higher flow of information from the thalamus.”

One of the key abilities of creative people is to make unusual connections between ideas.

Theoretically this could be enhanced by these differences in the dopamine system.

Dr Ullén sums up by saying:

“Thinking outside the box might be facilitated by having a somewhat less intact box.”

Image credit: Gioia De Antonlis

Meditation Can Make You More Creative

Particular types of meditation can generate insight and new ideas, according to recent studies.

Particular types of meditation can generate insight and new ideas, according to recent studies.

An ‘open monitoring’ style of meditation can promote divergent thinking, a crucial aspect of creativity, finds research published in the journal Frontiers in Cognition (Colzato et al., 2012).

Divergent thinking is the kind which is often used at the start of the creative process, in which new ideas are generated.

The typical psychological test of divergent thinking asks participants to name as many uses as they can for a mundane object like a brick or a pen.

In the study by Dr. Lorenza Colzato and colleagues, participants who’d been meditating in an ‘open monitoring’ style came up with the most uses for the mundane object.

An ‘open monitoring’ style of meditation is where you don’t focus on a particular object or sensation, such as your own breath; rather you pay attention to whatever thoughts or sensations you are experiencing at the time.


The results are fascinating because the study of how meditation affects creativity has had mixed results over the years.

Part of the problem is that there are many different types of creativity and many different types of meditation, which are not often delineated by the studies.

However, this is not the only study to make finer distinctions and show the benefits of meditation for creativity.

A study by Ren et al. (2011) has looked at another crucial area of creativity: problem-solving.

This requires different skills because it’s about gaining a vital insight into a problem that’s already defined.

In this study, people were given insight problems to try and solve.

The results showed that, compared with a control group, those who learned a simple meditation technique, involving focusing on the breath, solved more of the insight problems.

Benefits of meditation

Together these two studies suggest that different types of meditation may be useful for different aspects of creativity.

For generating new ideas, an open monitoring style performs best, then for solving an existing problem, a more focused attention style provides the best results.

It also may begin to show why the previous studies on the connection between meditation and creativity have provided such mixed results.

→ Read on: the benefits of meditation.

→ Read on: How to change your personality

Image credit: Nadir Hashmi

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