The Personality Trait Linked To Dementia

At least 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s.

At least 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s.

Having moderate or severe anxiety in midlife is linked to dementia later on, research finds.

Anxiety is strongly linked to the personality trait of neuroticism, which includes sadness, irritability and self-consciousness.

The extra risk could be related to the stress caused by a mental health condition.

The stress response to anxiety could accelerate the aging process in the brain, increasing cognitive decline.

Depression has already been linked to a doubling of the risk in developing dementia.

Tackling anxiety and depression in midlife could be a way to reduce dementia risk, the study’s authors write:

“Non-pharmacological therapies, including talking therapies, mindfulness-based interventions, and meditation practices, that are known to reduce anxiety in midlife, could have a risk-reducing effect, although this is yet to be thoroughly researched.”

The study was a meta-analysis, a type of research that pools together the results of other studies.

The researchers found four large studies examining the link between dementia and anxiety that together included almost 30,000 people.

All four studies found that moderate to severe anxiety was linked to developing dementia later on.

The researchers write:

“Clinically significant anxiety in midlife was associated with an increased risk of dementia over an interval of at least 10 years.”

Dr Sara Imarisio, Head of Research at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said:

“Mental health conditions like anxiety and depression have been linked to dementia before and many overlapping symptoms make a dementia diagnosis difficult.

This review took a high-quality approach, combining findings from four existing studies exploring anxiety as a risk factor for dementia.


It’s important to remember that just because there is an association between the two factors does not necessarily mean that anxiety causes dementia.

Dementia is caused by a complex mix of risk factors including age and genetics and although this study looked at dementia in people more than ten years after being diagnosed with anxiety, we know the diseases leading to dementia can begin in the brain up to twenty years before any symptoms show.”

The study was published in the journal BMJ Open (Gimson et al., 2018).

Reduce Brain Aging By Eating This Once A Week

The food that protects against cognitive decline.

The food that protects against cognitive decline.

Eating seafood once a week, or food that contains omega-3 fatty acids, may protect against age-related memory loss.

The study found that people who ate seafood less than once a week had a steeper mental decline with age.

Dr Martha Clare Morris, who led the study, said:

“This study helps show that while cognitive abilities naturally decline as part of the normal aging process, there is something that we can do to mitigate this process.”

For the research, 915 people were followed for around 5 years.

They all came from retirement communities and public housing in Illinois and their average age was over 80.

All had memory tests and reported how much seafood they ate.

This included foods like fish cakes, tuna sandwiches, shrimp and crab.

The results showed that people who ate more seafood had better semantic memory: this is something like general knowledge.

Consuming more seafood was also linked to stronger perceptual skills.

The study was published in the journal Neurology (van de Rest et al., 2016).

This Change To Sleep Increases Dementia Risk 27% (M)

The study included almost 350 people whose sleep and cognitive function were tracked over around two decades.

The study included almost 350 people whose sleep and cognitive function were tracked over around two decades.

Getting only 1 percent less deep sleep each year increases the risk of dementia by 27 percent.

Maintaining or enhancing deep sleep, research suggests, could help to reduce dementia risk.

During sleep the brain cycles between periods of deep sleep and then up towards shallower periods of sleep in which we tend to dream, whether we remember or not.

Deep sleep, which occurs mostly in the first three hours of the night, is when the brain processes thoughts and memories.

Dr Matthew Pase, study co-author, said:

“Slow-wave sleep, or deep sleep, supports the aging brain in many ways, and we know that sleep augments the clearance of metabolic waste from the brain, including facilitating the clearance of proteins that aggregate in Alzheimer’s disease.

However, to date we have been unsure of the role of slow-wave sleep in the development of dementia.

Our findings suggest that slow wave sleep loss may be a modifiable dementia risk factor.”

Reduced deep sleep

The study included almost 350 people whose sleep and cognitive function were tracked over around two decades.

With age people tended to get less deep sleep, but those whose deep sleep reduced more over the years were at increased risk of developing dementia.

Dr Pase said:

“We also examined whether genetic risk for Alzheimer’s Disease or brain volumes suggestive of early neurodegeneration were associated with a reduction in slow-wave sleep.

We found that a genetic risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease, but not brain volume, was associated with accelerated declines in slow wave sleep.”


The study was published in the journal JAMA Neurology (Himali et al., 2023).

What Is MCI And Why Do 99% Of Physicians Underdiagnose It? (M)

MCI is typically diagnosed when people have age-related problems with memory and thinking, but can still live independently.

MCI is typically diagnosed when people have age-related problems with memory and thinking, but can still live independently.

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This Cause Of Dementia Is Linked To 66% Higher Risk

Evidence for a major cause of dementia confirmed.

Evidence for a major cause of dementia confirmed.

People with a higher body-mass index are more likely to develop dementia, research finds.

Being classed as overweight rather than in the normal range increases the dementia risk by 16-33%.

For a person who is 170cm (5’7″), for example, carrying an extra 14.5kg (32lbs) over the ideal weight, will increase their dementia risk between 16 and 33%.

Being classed as obese (an additional 14.5kg) adds the same amount of dementia risk again, making a total of up to 66%.

The study analysed data from 1.3 million adults in the US and Europe.

Professor Mika Kivimäki, the study’s first author, said:

“The BMI-dementia association observed in longitudinal population studies, such as ours, is actually attributable to two processes.

One is an adverse effect of excess body fat on dementia risk.

The other is weight loss due to pre-clinical dementia.

For this reason, people who develop dementia may have a higher-than-average body mass index some 20 years before dementia onset, but close to overt dementia have a lower BMI than those who remain healthy.

The new study confirms both the adverse effect of obesity as well as weight loss caused by metabolic changes during the pre-dementia stage.”

Previous studies have given conflicting messages about the effect of obesity on dementia.

Some have suggested more weight may have a protective effect, others, like this one, the reverse.

The study was published in the journal Alzheimer’s & Dementia (Kivimäki et al., 2017).

This Diet Lowers Cognitive Decline Risk By 17%

Adhering to this diet could not only lower the risk of heart disease but also boost cognitive function.

Adhering to this diet could not only lower the risk of heart disease but also boost cognitive function.

Heart healthy diets designed to lower blood pressure can also improve memory and thinking in later life.

According to a study, middle-aged women who adopt a blood pressure lowering diet are 17 percent less likely to experience signs of cognitive decline such as memory loss, poor thinking and reasoning years later.

Adhering to a healthy eating style such as the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet (DASH) not only lowers the risk of heart disease but also can boost cognitive function.

The study focused on women as over two-thirds of people with Alzheimer’s disease are female.

Alzheimer’s is the most common type of dementia, which gradually ruins memory and thinking skills.

It is estimated that nearly 7 million Americans age 65 and older are living with Alzheimer’s disease, and the figure is likely to double by 2060.

Professor Yu Chen, the study’s senior author, said:

“Subjective complaints about daily cognitive performance are early predictors of more serious neurocognitive disorders such as Alzheimer’s.

With more than 30 years follow-up, we found that the stronger the adherence to a DASH diet in midlife, the less likely women are to report cognitive issues much later in life.”

The DASH diet

The DASH diet plan involves eating lots of fruit, vegetables and whole grains and also includes fish, poultry, non-fat or low fat dairy, nuts, seeds, legumes, and vegetable oils.

It also encourages eating foods that are high in magnesium, calcium, and potassium but limits foods that are high in cholesterol, saturated fat, sugar, salt, and sodium.

The diet is mainly designed to combat high blood pressure and so the risk of heart disease but it also improves cognitive function.

Hypertension in middle-age is also a risk factor for vascular cognitive impairment, a condition that damages the brain’s blood vessels, leading to cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia.

Start in midlife

The study enrolled 5,116 women with a 30-year follow up.

They assessed participants’ levels of cognitive impairment, which can potentially lead to dementia in later life.

Typical cognitive issues include forgetting recent events or conversations or failing to navigate familiar roads, or remember shopping lists.

The results showed that women who consumed the DASH diet were 17 percent less likely to have such cognitive problems.

Ms Yixiao Song, the study’s first author, said:

“Our data suggest that it is important to start a healthy diet in midlife to prevent cognitive impairment in older age.”

Dr Fen Wu, study co-author, said:

“Following the DASH diet may not only prevent high blood pressure, but also cognitive issues.”


The study was published in the journal Alzheimer’s & Dementia (Song et al., 2023).

Dementia: This Form Of Brain Stimulation Could Restore Memory (M)

Healthy adults who had the treatment displayed improved memory and the researchers are now going on to test the technique on patients with Alzheimer’s.

Healthy adults who had the treatment displayed improved memory and the researchers are now going on to test the technique on patients with Alzheimer's.

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The Vitamin Deficiency That May Double Cognitive Decline Risk

Those in the study with lower vitamin levels at the start were at double the risk of significant cognitive decline.

Those in the study with lower vitamin levels at the start were at double the risk of significant cognitive decline.

Low vitamin D levels increase the risk of cognitive decline and impairment among the elderly, research suggests.

Those in the study with lower vitamin D levels at the start were at double the risk of significant cognitive decline.

Older people with low vitamin D levels were also at two to three times the risk of going on to develop cognitive impairment later on.

Vitamin D is primarily produced in the body by the action of sunlight on the skin.

Vitamin D is important in maintaining healthy bones and muscles, as well as brain function.

It may be that vitamin D protects against neuron damage and loss.

Other studies have also linked low vitamin D levels to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and neurodegenerative problems, such as dementia.

The conclusions come from a study of over 1,000 people in China over the age of 60.

Their vitamin D levels and cognitive abilities were assessed over two years.

The study’s authors write:

“In conclusion, our longitudinal study indicates that low 25(OH)D3 [vitamin D] levels are associated with subsequent cognitive decline and cognitive impairment.

Despite the lack of conclusive results from intervention studies, the weight of this and other epidemiological studies reinforce the importance of more intensive investigation on the effects of vitamin D supplements on cognitive decline.”

The study found the same link between low vitamin D levels and cognitive impairment regardless of age and gender.

Professor David Matchar, the study’s first author, said:

“Although this study was conducted on subjects from China, the results are applicable to regions in Asia where a large proportion of the elderly are ethnically Chinese, like Singapore.”

Getting enough vitamin D

During the darker months, taking 10 mcg of a vitamin D supplement is often recommended.

Another option is to ensure that your diet has enough vitamin D in it.

Foods that contain relatively high amounts of vitamin D include sardines, salmon, mackerel and herring.

Other foods high in vitamin D include egg yolks, liver, mushrooms and red meat.

Cereals and spreads are also typically fortified with vitamin D.

The study was published in The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences (Matchar et al., 2022).

These Hallucinations Are An Early Sign Of Parkinson’s (M)

In one-third of Parkinson’s patients these hallucinations manifest themselves before the characteristic trembling.

In one-third of Parkinson’s patients these hallucinations manifest themselves before the characteristic trembling.

Experiencing minor hallucinations, such as feeling someone is nearby when there is no one there, could be an early sign of Parkinson’s disease, a study finds.

Known as ‘presence hallucinations’, they are also occasionally felt by healthy people, but can be an early indicator of neurological dysfunction.

In Parkinson’s disease — which is chiefly known for producing tremors — hallucinations like these can predict more rapid cognitive decline and tend to appear early on.

Other minor hallucinations sometimes experienced by those with Parkinson’s include passage hallucinations, which consist of a fleeting glance of someone or something passing sideways and other visual hallucinations, such as mistaking a table for a dog.

Parkinson’s is often diagnosed too late — early interventions can help to slow the progression of the disease, so minor hallucinations could be a useful warning sign.

Professor Olaf Blanke, study co-author, said:

“We now know that early hallucinations are to be taken seriously in Parkinson’s disease.

If you have Parkinson’s disease and experience hallucinations, even minor ones, then you should share this information with your doctor as soon as possible.

So far, we only have evidence linking cognitive decline and early hallucinations for Parkinson’s disease, but it could also be valid for other neurodegenerative diseases.”

Decaying cognitive function

The study included 75 people, aged between 60 and 70 who had Parkinson’s disease.

The results showed that those with early hallucinations were more likely to display cognitive decline in executive function — the ability to plan and control behaviour.

Regular hallucinations are experienced by half of Parkinson’s patients, despite being a little-known symptom.

In one-third of patients hallucinations manifest themselves before the characteristic trembling.

Professor Blanke said:

“Detecting the earliest signs of dementia means early management of the disease, allowing us to develop improved and personalized therapies that try to modify the course of the disease and improve cognitive function.”

While presence hallucinations can be relatively minor at first, they may progress to more complex visual hallucinations later on.

Professor Blanke said:

“We aim to have an early marker to identify individuals at risk of a more severe form of Parkinson’s disease, characterized by a more rapid cognitive decline and dementia, based on hallucinations proneness.

And ideally identify those individuals even before hallucinations actually occur.

We are therefore developing neurotechnology methods and procedures for that purpose.”


The study was published in the journal Nature Mental Health (Bernasconi et al., 2023).

The Vitamin-Like Deficiency Linked To Alzheimer’s Disease

Inadequate daily intake of this vitamin-like compound can lead to an enlarged heart, liver damage, weight gain as well as Alzheimer’s disease.

Inadequate daily intake of this vitamin-like compound can lead to an enlarged heart, liver damage, weight gain as well as Alzheimer’s disease.

A deficiency in choline is linked to increased Alzheimer’s risk, research finds.

Choline is a vitamin-like essential nutrient produced in the liver, however, the amounts produced are too small for the body’s requirements.

Lecithin (a fatty substance) is the main source of choline found in egg yolk, beef, fish, chicken, wheat germ, soy beans, dairy products, peanuts, and almonds.

Choline is well known for its effect in treating memory disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

According to the US Institute of Medicine the minimum daily intake of choline for men is 550mg and 425mg for women.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women require at least 450mg and 550mg choline per day respectively, due to the crucial role of this nutrient in infant development.

Despite these daily requirements, national dietary surveys have found that less than 10 percent of Americans are meeting the recommendations.

Essential for brain health

Choline is not only essential for brain health but also influences liver function as shortfalls in this nutrient can cause cell damage and irregularities in fat metabolism.

A study has examined how choline deficiency can adversely influence the brain, liver, and heart.

The research team found that dietary choline deficiency in mice led to weight gain, reduced glucose metabolism, enlargement of the heart, neurological alterations, and liver damage.

Choline deficiency also led to elevated levels of tau tangles and beta-amyloid plaques, two key features of Alzheimer’s disease.

Amyloid plaques are clustered proteins between the nerve cells and tau tangles are abnormal accumulations of tau proteins inside neurons.

Dr Ramon Velazquez, the study’s senior author, pointed out that choline deficiency in human contains two aspects:

“it’s a twofold problem.

First, people don’t reach the adequate daily intake of choline established by the Institute of Medicine in 1998.

And secondly, there is vast literature showing that the recommended daily intake amounts are not optimal for brain-related functions.”

The study shows a link between choline deficiency and a group of neurological and physical changes.

Adequate levels of choline, on the other hand, will improve overall health and protect the nervous system.

For example, elevated levels of homocysteine have been found to to be neurotoxic and associated with neurodegenerative diseases but choline can reduce homocysteine levels.

Another example is that acetylcholine a neurotransmitter synthesized from choline which is vital for cognitive functions including learning, memory, and attention.

These findings support other studies concerning the influence of dietary choline on human health.

The evidence may help people, particularly vegans and those on plant-based diets, to eat foods rich in choline.

The authors also explored proteins in the hippocampus, one of the brain areas wracked by Alzheimer’s.

Inadequate choline status appeared to affect hippocampal networks associated with postsynaptic membrane regulation and microtubule function — the two are vital for functions of the brain.

In addition, blood plasma samples revealed that choline deficiency caused alterations in certain proteins produced in the liver which are important for metabolic function.

Dr Velazquez said:

“Our work provides further support that dietary choline should be consumed on a daily basis given the need throughout the body.”

The study was published in the journal Aging Cell (Dave et al., 2023).

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