Lonely Brains Represent Real And Fictional People In The Same Way (M)

It may be that people use fictional characters to fill a space that is missing in their real lives.

It may be that people use fictional characters to fill a space that is missing in their real lives.

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Childhood Adversity Leaves A Neural ‘Stamp’ On The Brain (M)

The brain adapts to adversity and this leaves a kind of neural stamp.

The brain adapts to adversity and this leaves a kind of neural stamp.

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Why Eating Disorders Are So Difficult To Treat (M)

Eating disorders are likely not the only disorders that have problems with the brain’s habit circuitry at their core.

Eating disorders are likely not the only disorders that have problems with the brain's habit circuitry at their core.

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Neuroscientists Pinpoint Our Bodily Sense Of Self In The Brain (M)

The structure, which lies roughly underneath the top of the head, integrates information about our location in space and motion through it.

The structure, which lies roughly underneath the top of the head, integrates information about our location in space and motion through it.

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The Brain’s Shape Predicts Thoughts, Feelings & Behaviours (M)

The brain is best understood through its overall geometry and how neuronal activity resonates across the whole organ.

The brain is best understood through its overall geometry and how neuronal activity resonates across the whole organ.

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Artificial Intelligence Reads People’s Thoughts — With Help Of fMRI (M)

While not wholly accurate, the AI can get the gist of the stories in people’s minds.

While not wholly accurate, the AI can get the gist of the stories in people's minds.

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The Line Between Fantasy And Reality Is Surprisingly Thin (M)

Our imaginations are so strong that it can be hard to tell what is real in certain situations.

Our imaginations are so strong that it can be hard to tell what is real in certain situations.

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Pulsating Arteries Wash Away Alzheimer’s Toxins During Sleep (M)

Pulsating arteries wash away harmful waste products that are linked to Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases at night.

Pulsating arteries wash away harmful waste products that are linked to Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases at night.

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How Fat And Sugar Warp Your Food Preferences (M)

A ‘sweet tooth’ is something we acquire, rather than being born with it.

A 'sweet tooth' is something we acquire, rather than being born with it.

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