7 Psychology Studies On How Nature Heals The Mind

From the mental health benefits of gardening to the healing power of birdsong — explore the psychology of nature.

From the mental health benefits of gardening to the healing power of birdsong — explore the psychology of nature.

People are spending less and less time enjoying the outdoors and nature with every passing year.

The recent shift away from nature has been incredible: some studies estimate people now spend 25 percent less time in nature than they did 20 years ago (Pergams & Zaradic, 2007).

Instead, recreational time is often spent online, playing video games and watching movies.

The psychological literature clearly reveals how beneficial the experience of nature is to our minds.

In nature people feel more alive, creative, in sync and less stressed.

Here are 7 psychology studies from the members-only section of PsyBlog exploring the psychology of nature.

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  1. The Great Disconnect: How Humans Are Losing Touch With Nature
  2. The Reason Being In Nature Feels So Good
  3. How Nature Heals The Brain Of Stress
  4. The Mental Health Benefits Of Gardening
  5. How Nature Can Lower Your Risk Of Dementia
  6. Spend This Long In Nature To Feel Fantastic
  7. The Beautiful Sound That Reduces Anxiety, Paranoia And Depression


Author: Dr Jeremy Dean

Psychologist, Jeremy Dean, PhD is the founder and author of PsyBlog. He holds a doctorate in psychology from University College London and two other advanced degrees in psychology. He has been writing about scientific research on PsyBlog since 2004.

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