A Curious Sign That Your IQ Is High

This quality is very important for highly intelligent people.

This quality is very important for highly intelligent people.

Curiosity is a sign of being smart, research suggests.

Curiosity could even be as important as intelligence in how well people do in life.

People who are curious ask lots of questions, look for surprises, seek out sensations and make time to search out new ideas.

Intelligence, along with curiosity and some personality factors, predicts successful performance in many areas.

Dr Sophie von Stumm, the study’s first author, said:

“Curiosity is basically a hunger for exploration.

If you’re intellectually curious, you’ll go home, you’ll read the books.

If you’re perceptually curious, you might go traveling to foreign countries and try different foods.”

The conclusions come from an analysis of around 200 separate studies including about 50,000 students.

All the studies examined how personality and intelligence affected academic performance.

The results showed that students who are curious do better in their school work.

Along with being curious, some personality traits are linked to better performance.

Conscientious students, in particular, perform better.

People who are conscientious are more careful, efficient and self-disciplined — and they aim for achievement.

Dr von Stumm said:

“It’s not a huge surprise if you think of it, that hard work would be a predictor of academic performance.”

Taken together, conscientiousness and curiosity were just as important as intelligence in students’ performance.

Curiosity is a very important quality for employers to look for, said Dr von Stumm:

“It’s easy to hire someone who has the done the job before and hence, knows how to work the role.

But it’s far more interesting to identify those people who have the greatest potential for development, i.e. the curious ones.”

The study was published in the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science (von Stumm et al., 2011).

A Delightful Sign You Have A High IQ

This bright quality is linked to higher intelligence.

This bright quality is linked to higher intelligence.

Feeling more happiness is a sign of a higher IQ, research finds.

Indeed, stable happiness is also a sign of higher IQ.

More intelligent people experience fewer drops in their happiness over the years.

People with higher IQs are just as happy at 31-years-old as they are at 51.

In contrast, the happiness of people with lower IQs is not just lower overall, but also goes up and down more over the years.

The conclusions come from a national survey of all 17,419 babies born in Britain during one week in 1958.

Those that stayed in the study were asked about their levels of happiness from ages 31 to 51.

The results are explained by Dr Satoshi Kanazawa, the study’s author:

“…childhood general intelligence emerged as the strongest predictor of the life-course variability of happiness.

More intelligent children on average tended to grow up to be more stable in their subjective well-being throughout adulthood.”

However, the reason that more intelligent people enjoy stable happiness was not clear from the study.

Dr Kanazawa writes:

“More intelligent individuals were significantly more stable in their happiness, and it was not entirely because: (1) they were more educated and wealthier (even though they were); (2) they were healthier (even though they were); (3) they were more stable in their marital status (even though they were); (4) they were happier (even though they were)…”

Satisfaction with life

Higher satisfaction with life is also a sign of high intelligence, a previous study has found.

People who are more satisfied with their life and their job score higher on tests of general mental ability.

Satisfaction with life is one of the two major aspects of happiness, along with the feeling of positive emotions in the moment.

The study was published in the British Journal of Psychology (Kanazawa et al., 2014).

5 Personality Traits That Are Linked To High IQ

Certain common aspects of personality are often linked to higher levels of intelligence by psychologists.

Certain common aspects of personality are often linked to higher levels of intelligence by psychologists.

Dutiful, competent and self-disciplined people have a higher IQ, research finds.

This means that higher IQ is linked to people who have a strong sense of responsibility, who are self-disciplined and confident in themselves and what they can do.

On top of these three factors, psychologists have found that both being open to experience and having stable emotions tends to indicate a higher IQ.

People who are open to experience are more interested in things that are complex, new and unconventional.

Emotional stability is linked to being better at dealing with stress and minor frustrations.

People who are emotionally stable usually find it easier to control their urges and are mostly unselfconscious.

Personality and IQ tests

The conclusions come from two studies: in the first many thousands of people in 86 different countries were given personality and IQ tests.

The results showed that people who were seen by others as more competent, dutiful and self-disciplined also had higher IQs.

All three are facets of the major personality trait of conscientiousness.

The general link between being conscientious and intelligence makes sense, the study’s authors write, since…

“…conscientiousness and cognitive ability are positive
correlates of several real life outcomes.

It was proved that both variables are especially important predictors of job performance, school achievements, and health-related behavior.

Interestingly, in most studies the effects of conscientiousness and intelligence on life outcomes appear to be independent.”

The second study included 201 university students in the UK who were given tests of personality and general knowledge questions, including:

  • Who wrote Anna Karenina?
  • Who discovered penicillin?
  • Which Beatle was shot in New York?

(See the end of the article for the answers.)

The results showed that people got more answers correct if their personalities were more emotionally stable and they were more open to experience.

Openness to experience is particularly important for general knowledge because it makes people more curious and motivates them to learn new things.

(The answers are: Leo Tolstoy, Alexander Fleming and John Lennon, respectively.)

The studies were published in the journals Personality and Individual Differences and Learning and Individual Differences (Chamorro-Premuzic et al., 2006; Zajenkowski & Stolarski,, 2015).

The Surprising Sign Of High Intelligence And Self-Control

It has been linked to wise reasoning, dealing more effectively with stressful situations and feeling more confident.

It has been linked to wise reasoning, dealing more effectively with stressful situations and feeling more confident.

Talking to yourself is a sign of intelligence and self-control, research finds.

It is far from a sign of madness, as is sometimes claimed.

Whether we talk out loud or it is a silent inner voice, talking to yourself can help improve focus and boost brain power.

Talking to yourself has also been linked to wise reasoning, dealing more effectively with stressful situations and feeling more confident.

Talking to yourself has even been linked to the ability to find items more quickly.

For example, repeating “keys, keys, keys” might help you find them.

In one study of self-control, for example, people were given a set of written instructions to either read silently or out loud.

The results showed that reading the instructions out loud improved people’s control over a subsequent task.

It is thought that the benefit comes from hearing yourself.

Control impulsive behaviour

Other studies have shown that using our inner voice to talk to ourselves can also be beneficial.

Inner talk helps to organise our thoughts and control impulsive behaviour.

Dr Alexa Tullett is co-author of a study that found people who used their inner voice were better able to exert self-control.

He said:

“We give ourselves messages all the time with the intent of controlling ourselves — whether that’s telling ourselves to keep running when we’re tired, to stop eating even though we want one more slice of cake, or to refrain from blowing up on someone in an argument.”

Dr Michael Inzlicht, study co-author, said:

“We found that people acted more impulsively when they couldn’t use their inner voice or talk themselves through the tasks.

Without being able to verbalize messages to themselves, they were not able to exercise the same amount of self control as when they could talk themselves through the process.”

The studies were published in the journals Acta Psychologica and The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (Kirkham et al., 2012; Lupyan & Swingley, 2011Tullet & Inzlicht, 2010).

What Your Bedtime Reveals About Your IQ

Larks tend to rise earlier while owls stay up late — each type extends the part of the day at which they feel their best.

Larks tend to rise earlier while owls stay up late — each type extends the part of the day at which they feel their best.

Morning types or ‘larks’ have superior verbal IQ, research finds.

Morning types are people who prefer to do demanding things earlier in the day, whereas evening types consider their best time to be later on.

Naturally, larks also tend to rise earlier while owls stay up late — each type extends the part of the day at which they feel their best.

The results come as a rebuff to other studies that have found the reverse, that it is owls that have the IQ advantage.

Dr Stuart Fogel, study co-author, how his study is different:

“Once you account for key factors including bedtime and age, we found the opposite to be true, that morning types tend to have superior verbal ability.

This outcome was surprising to us and signals this is much more complicated that anyone thought before.”

The study included 61 people whose ‘morningness’ or ‘eveningness’ was assessed, along with their cognitive abilities.

The results showed that people who were at their best in the morning scored higher on tests of verbal IQ.

Verbal IQ refers to being able to use language to achieve goals.

Critically, the researchers had to account for the fact that young people as a group tend to be evening types.

Young people tend to be evening types

The fact that young people tend to be evening types may make it harder for them to get the best out of the school day, said Dr Fogel:

“A lot of school start times are not determined by our chronotypes but by parents and work-schedules, so school-aged kids pay the price of that because they are evening types forced to work on a morning type schedule.

For example, math and science classes are normally scheduled early in the day because whatever morning tendencies they have will serve them well.

But the AM is not when they are at their best due to their evening type tendencies.

Ultimately, they are disadvantaged because the type of schedule imposed on them is basically fighting against their biological clock every day.”

The study also found that people with regular daily habits tended to perform the best.

Dr Fogel said:

“Our brain really craves regularity and for us to be optimal in our own rhythms is to stick to that schedule and not be constantly trying to catch up.”

The study was published in the journal Current Research in Behavioral Sciences (Gibbings et al., 2022).

This Cool Personality Type Tends To Have Higher IQ

Cognitive ability is higher in this personality type.

Cognitive ability is higher in this personality type.

Laid back and unhurried people tend to have a higher IQ, psychological research finds.

Intelligent people become more laid back because they can do things quicker than others, so do not need to rush, the authors speculate.

High IQ people also have a tendency towards procrastination — perhaps because another benefit of higher intelligence is being able to start tasks later.

The study also found that higher IQs was linked to be cautious and being a perfectionist.

This may be because being a perfectionist takes longer and people with higher IQs have the patience to wait until the job is done right.

The conclusions come from a study of 722 people who were given personality and IQ tests.

The personality tests focused on conscientiousness, one of the five major traits of personality.

Different aspects of conscientiousness were examined, including being cautious, deliberate, orderly and having a tendency to procrastinate.

The results revealed a consistent link between being unhurried and having a higher IQ.

The study’s authors explain:

“The common feature of these three characteristics (procrastination, perfectionism and caution) is timing or hurriedness.

One possible interpretation of our results is that people with greater cognitive ability tend to be less hurried in their general approach to life’s activities.

This interpretation implies both positive aspects (e.g., the cautiousness involved in checking details, delaying acting, and continuing with tasks until their product is “perfect”) and negative ones (e.g., the tendency to procrastinate).”

The link between procrastination and higher IQ is down to greater abilities, the authors think:

“This suggests a slower internal pace among more intelligent people that more easily allows for interruptions or the incorporation of new information while completing a task.

This is not to imply that more intelligent people are physically slower in their tasks, as in fact they appear to be faster at most tasks.

Rather, we are suggesting that one way in which those demonstrating higher levels of cognitive ability may differ from those exhibiting lower levels of cognitive ability is a behavioral tendency to pace their work or other tasks at less than their maximum potential ability.”

The study was published in the Journal of Personality Research (Rikoon et al., 2016).

2 Fascinating Signs Of High IQ

Certain personality traits and this interest are signs of high IQ.

Certain personality traits and this interest are signs of high IQ.

Musical training is a fascinating sign of high IQ, a study finds.

People with musical training tend to have IQs up to 10-15 points higher than those who do not.

The reason is probably that an interest in learning music is linked to higher intelligence, as well as certain personality traits.

Children whose openness to experience is greater are more likely to be interested in music lessons.

Typically people who are open to experience tend to have more interest in beauty, new ideas and be more curious about the world.

Higher IQ is strongly linked to the personality trait of openness to experience.

People who are conscientious are also more likely to stick at their musical training, the study found.

However, the study does not support the so-called ‘Mozart effect’, the idea that listening to certain music can make you more intelligent.

Professor Glenn Schellenberg explained:

“The prevailing bias is that music training causes improvements in intelligence.

But you can’t infer causation simply because children with music training have higher IQs than children who haven’t had music training.”

The study included 167 12-year-olds and 118 young adults who were asked about their musical training and given IQ tests.

The results showed that having a higher IQ was linked to taking music lessons, but personality predicted who stuck with it.

Professor Schellenberg said:

“The differences in personality are at least as important as cognitive variables among adults, and even more important among children in predicting who is likely to take music lessons and for how long.

Much previous research may have overestimated the effects of music training and underestimated the role of pre-existing differences between children who do and do not take music lessons.

Children who take music lessons may have relatively high levels of curiosity, motivation, persistence, concentration, selective attention, self-discipline and organization.”

The study was published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology (Corrigall et al., 2013).

5 Personality Traits That Are All Signs Of High EQ — Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is linked to success in many areas of life.

Emotional intelligence is linked to success in many areas of life.

People with high emotional intelligence are more successful at work and across many areas of life, research finds.

There are five signs of emotional intelligence, according to one model developed by Daniel Goleman:

  1. Self-awareness: knowing your own strengths and weakness, as well as drives and values.
  2. Self-regulation: being able to control disruptive emotions and adapt to new circumstances.
  3. Social skill: capable of managing relationships with other people effectively.
  4. Empathy: taking into account other people’s feelings when making decisions.
  5. Motivation: a drive to succeed.

Those high in emotional intelligence are aware of their emotions and good at controlling and expressing them.

They can read emotions in others well and know how to manage them to achieve desired goals.

Higher emotional intelligence leads to better relationships with others, higher psychological well-being, greater self-compassion and a more positive perception by others.

The conclusion comes from a ‘meta-analysis’ — a type of study that collects together the results of other studies.

The results showed that emotional intelligence predicted workplace performance over and above personality and IQ.

The authors write that other studies have found that emotional intelligence is…

…a predictor in important domains such as academic performance, job performance, negotiation, leadership, emotional labor, trust, work–family conflict, and stress…”

Daniel Goleman’s model is just one way of thinking about emotional intelligence.

The researchers found, though, that different models and measures all provided insights into people’s emotional intelligence.

Professor Neal Ashkanasy, who was not involved in the research, said:

“By analyzing the numerous studies of emotional intelligence that have been conducted over the last decade, the authors of this article provide an evidence-based account of emotional intelligence, where it works and where it doesn’t.

And, most importantly, which of the various versions of emotional intelligence work the best.

This will prove to be a valuable tool for academic researchers, as well as business consultants and managers.”

The study was published in the Journal of Organizational Behavior (O’Boyle et al., 2010).

The Personality Trait Linked To Lower IQ

The trait is associated with lower full-scale intelligence and lower verbal IQ.

The trait is associated with lower full-scale intelligence and lower verbal IQ.

Neurotic people score lower on intelligence tests, but it may not be a true reflection of neurotic people’s IQ.

The link could be down to the neurotic being nervous while taking tests, some psychologists think.

The links have been found between higher neuroticism and lower full-scale intelligence and lower verbal IQ.

Neuroticism is a personality trait that is strongly linked to anxiety, sadness, irritability and self-consciousness.

The study’s authors explain the personality trait of neuroticism:

“Neuroticism reflects a tendency to experience negative emotions, like anxiety and depression.

The six sub-facets of Neuroticism, according to Costa and McCrae (1992) are Anxiety, Anger-hostility, Depression, Self-consciousness, Impulsiveness and Vulnerability.

High scorers tend to be sensitive, emotional, worrying, moody, frequently depressed, often sleep badly and may suffer from various psychosomatic disorders.


Low scorers tend to be secure, hardy and generally relaxed even under stressful conditions.”

The conclusions come from two studies.

In the first, 646 Dutch twins were given personality and IQ tests.

The researchers found the link between higher neuroticism and lower IQ, concluding that the link was mostly explained by genetics.

The second, though, gave 213 people IQ tests and divided them into two groups based on their anxiety.

The authors explain that neurotic people got more nervous when taking the test:

“…high Neurotics are more stressed under testing conditions than low Neurotics, and that they are even more stressed when they receive information which induces further anxiety.”

The researchers were then able to statistically remove the effects of anxiety on test-takers.

Then, neurotic people did just as well on the IQ test as non-neurotic people.

The authors conclude:

“Neurotics become more anxious under testing conditions, and this anxiety affects their performance on the IQ tests.

It is therefore proposed that Neuroticism is not related to intelligence per se, but to intelligence test performance, which has been proposed in the past (Eysenck, 1971).

This suggestion implies that IQ tests may underestimate the true intelligence of Neurotic individuals.”

The studies were published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences (Bartels et al., 2012Moutafi et al., 2006).

3 Brilliant Signs That Your IQ Is High

The personality trait that is linked to higher intelligence.

The personality trait that is linked to higher intelligence.

Being cooperative is a sign of high intelligence, recent research finds.

More intelligent people tend to be cautious with their trust at first, then build it up with experience.

People who are cooperative tend to be more helpful, believe in teamwork and be mutually supportive.

In addition, those who are cooperative tend to be better at seeing the big picture and learning from experience.

Higher intelligence allows people to process information more quickly.

All these factors are signs that someone’s IQ is high.

Professor Eugenio Proto, who led the study, said:

“People might naturally presume that people who are nice, conscientious and generous are automatically more cooperative.

But, through our research, we find overwhelming support for the idea that intelligence is the primary condition for a socially cohesive, cooperative society.

A good heart and good behaviour have an effect too but it’s transitory and small.

An additional benefit of higher intelligence in our experiment, and likely in real life, is the ability to process information faster, hence to accumulate more extensive experience, and to learn from it.

This scenario can be applied to the workplace, where it’s likely that intelligent people who see the bigger picture and work cooperatively, will ultimately be promoted and financially rewarded.”

The conclusions come from people playing a series of games that tested cooperation.

Each involved trading off risk against reward.

The results showed that people who were more agreeable and conscientious were also more cooperative.

However, the influence of these personality traits was dwarfed by that of IQ.

Those with lower IQs, the study found, tend not to use a consistent strategy and disregard the consequences of their actions.

The study’s authors explain:

“Higher intelligence resulted in significantly higher levels of cooperation and earnings.

The failure of individuals with lower intelligence to appropriately estimate the future consequences of current actions accounts for these difference in outcomes.

Personality also affects behavior, but in smaller measure, and with low persistence.”

The study was published in the Journal of Political Economy (Proto et al., 2018).

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