The Most Obvious Sign Of Intelligence

Brain scans measured the total surface area of the cortex and its thickness.

Brain scans measured the total surface area of the cortex and its thickness.

Taller people are more intelligent, on average, new research finds.

The reason is that taller people have proportionally larger heads.

A larger head generally gives people higher cognitive ability.

Of course shorter people with smaller heads can also be highly intelligent, however they are slightly rarer.

Dr Eero Vuoksimaa, the study’s first author, said:

“Even though taller individuals have, on average, bigger brain compared to shorter people, the size of any given individual’s brain cannot be determined by their stature alone.

Further, cognitive ability is not simply determined by brain size.

The findings do, however, shed light on the biological mechanism underlying the association between height and cognition.”

The study used brain scans to measure both the total surface area of the cortex and its thickness.

Participants were 534 middle-aged men, around half of whom were identical and non-identical twins.

The results showed that taller people had greater surface area of their cortex, but not a thicker cortex.

Dr Vuoksimaa said:

“These observations are in line with recent MRI studies of cortical development suggesting that cortical surface area increases until approximately the age of 12, whereas thinning of cortex occurs across the childhood and adolescence.”

Genetics is the major factor in cortical size, cognition and health, although environmental factors play a part Dr Vuoksimaa said:

“For example, childhood malnutrition has an impact on both height and brain growth, and affects also cognitive development.”

The study was published in the journal Brain Structure and Function (Vuoksimaa et al., 2018).

How Mothers Lower Their Children’s IQ (S)

Over 900 children were tested at ages 1, 5, 10 and 16.

Over 900 children were tested at ages 1, 5, 10 and 16.

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The Bacteria That Could Make You Smarter (S)

The bacteria has also been linked to reduced anxiety and higher serotonin levels.

The bacteria has also been linked to reduced anxiety and higher serotonin levels.

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5 Simple Ways To Appear More Intelligent

The clothes to wear, body language to use, hairstyle to adopt and how to talk.

The clothes to wear, body language to use, hairstyle to adopt and how to talk.

1. Wear more clothes

Wearing more clothing makes you look more competent, a study finds.

Something as simple as taking off a sweater is enough to make you look less competent, the researchers found.

The finding applies to both men and women.

The effect occurs because seeing more flesh encourages us to think about a person’s body, rather than their mind.

2. Make eye contact

Maintaining eye contact while talking is one of the easiest ways to appear smarter, research finds.

Indeed, intelligence tests revealed that people who maintained eye contact were actually smarter.

Other common ways to appear smarter include speaking pleasantly, clearly and quickly, having a self-assured expression and being responsive.

3. The right hairstyle

Medium-length casual-looking styles are judged as making women look more intelligent, a survey finds.

These styles are also linked to being good-natured.

The hairstyle that gives an intelligent sheen to a man was medium-length side-parted hair.

The bad news for men with these haircuts is that they were also seen as narrow-minded.

4. Eyes open, don’t frown

Getting more sleep makes people look more intelligent because of how it affects their resting or neutral facial expression.

People who are better rested open their eyes wider and do not have a slight frown on their face.

After restricted sleep, people tend to display a slight frown and their eyes are not as wide open as they are normally.

This makes them look less intelligent.

5. Speak slowly

Speaking slowly makes people sound more intelligent, research finds.

The study had people trying to intentionally change their voices to embody different traits.

They tried to sound more sexy, confident, intelligent and dominant.

Both sexes had no problem sounding more intelligent and more dominant.


2 Video Games Linked To High Intelligence

Some video games can act like an IQ test.

Some video games can act like an IQ test.

Certain strategy games can act like an IQ test, according to new research.

People who perform well at the two games also did better at standard paper-and-pencil intelligence tests.

One of the video games is called ‘League of Legends’, a popular game which has millions of players around the world.

The second game is called Defence of the Ancients 2 (DOTA 2).

Professor Alex Wade, who led the study, said:

“Games such as League of Legends and DOTA 2 are complex, socially-interactive and intellectually demanding.

Our research would suggest that your performance in these games can be a measure of intelligence.

Research in the past has pointed to the fact that people who are good at strategy games such as chess tend to score highly at IQ tests.

Our research has extended this to games that millions of people across the planet play every day.”

Along with these two strategy games, the research also looked at people playing ‘first person shooters’.

First person shooters are the type of games that mostly involve reaction times, rather than strategy.

The study found that people’s ability to play first person shooters simply declined after their teens.

However, people got better at playing strategy games like League of Legends and Defence of the Ancients 2 as they got older.

Mr Athanasios Kokkinakis, the study’s first author, said:

“Unlike First Person Shooter (FPS) games where speed and target accuracy are a priority, Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas [such as League of Legends] rely more on memory and the ability to make strategic decisions taking into account multiple factors.

It is perhaps for these reasons that we found a strong correlation between skill and intelligence in MOBAs.”

The study was published in the journal PLOS ONE (Kokkinakis et al., 2017).

People Find This Quality Vital In A Partner, Genetic Research Finds

Genetic study finds that, beyond looks, this is the most important quality in a potential partner.

Genetic study finds that, beyond looks, this is the most important quality in a potential partner.

People are more likely to marry those with a similar level of intelligence to themselves, research finds.

It shows that when looking for a partner, people generally want someone similar to themselves.

Intelligence, like many other traits, is partly controlled by our genetic makeup.

So, effectively, people tend to pick others who have similar genetic traits.

The study’s authors write:

“Humans generally do not choose their mates randomly.

In search for a suitable mate, among the highest-ranking qualities people look for in a potential partner are intelligence and educational attainment.”

And when you look at any random couple, there is a surprisingly high correlation between the two different people’s intelligence and their education.

The conclusions come from a UK DNA study of 1,600 married or cohabiting couples.

Dr David Hugh-Jones, the study’s first author, said:

 “Our findings show strong evidence for the presence of genetic assortative mating for education in the UK.

The consequences of assortative mating on education and cognitive abilities are relevant for society, and for the genetic make-up and therefore the evolutionary development of subsequent generations.”

Dr Hugh-Jones pointed out that over time the forces of evolution can increase social inequality:

“Assortative mating on inheritable traits that are indicative of socio-economic status, such as educational achievement, increases the genetic variance of characteristics in the population.

This may increase social inequality, for example with respect to education or income.

When growing social inequality is, partly, driven by a growing biological inequality, inequalities in society may be harder to overcome and the effects of assortative mating may accumulate with each generation.”

In other words, if intelligent people continue to marry other intelligent people, then the genes for intelligence continue to be concentrated in a small group.

The study was published in the journal Intelligence (Hugh-Jones et al., 2016).

How Parents Needlessly Lower Their Children’s IQ

The parental behaviour that lowers children’s IQ.

The parental behaviour that lowers children’s IQ.

Children who were spanked in childhood have lower IQs, a study finds.

The more children were spanked, the lower their IQ, the research also found.

The probable reason is that spanking is highly stressful for children.

It can leave them with post-traumatic stress disorder.

An ongoing fear of terrible things happening — being easily startled — is linked to a lower IQ.

Parents who continue to use corporal punishment into the teenage years may hamper their children’s brain development even more.

Professor Murray Straus, the study’s first author, said:

“All parents want smart children.

This research shows that avoiding spanking and correcting misbehavior in other ways can help that happen.

The results of this research have major implications for the well being of children across the globe.

It is time for psychologists to recognize the need to help parents end the use of corporal punishment and incorporate that objective into their teaching and clinical practice.

It also is time for the United States to begin making the advantages of not spanking a public health and child welfare focus, and eventually enact federal no-spanking legislation.”

The results come from research that followed 704 children from the ages of 2 – 4 until they were 5 – 9 years-old.

The IQ of children who were not spanked between 2 and 4-years-old was 5 points higher when tested four years later than those who were spanked.

Professor Straus said:

“How often parents spanked made a difference.

The more spanking the, the slower the development of the child’s mental ability.

But even small amounts of spanking made a difference.”

The psychologists also found that countries in which spanking children was more common saw stronger links between corporal punishment and IQ.

Professor Straus said:

“The worldwide trend away from corporal punishment is most clearly reflected in the 24 nations that legally banned corporal punishment by 2009.

Both the European Union and the United Nations have called on all member nations to prohibit corporal punishment by parents.

Some of the 24 nations that prohibit corporal punishment by parents have made vigorous efforts to inform the public and assist parents in managing their children. In others little has been done to implement the prohibition.”

The study was published in the Journal of Aggression Maltreatment & Trauma (Straus & Paschall, 2009).

Surprise: The Clothing That Makes Women Appear More Intelligent

Amazingly, it also makes women appear more faithful.

Amazingly, it also makes women appear more faithful.

More revealing clothing can actually make women appear more intelligent and more faithful, new research finds.

The study conflicts with previous research finding dressing sexy has the opposite effect.

The research may demonstrate changing stereotypes about women.

The study’s author, said:

“Contrary to our predictions it was the sexualised clothing which resulted in higher intelligence and faithfulness ratings.”

For the research, 64 people were shown pictures of a fashion model dressed in two different ways.

In one picture she had on a very short skirt, a low-cut top and a jacket.

In the second picture the skirt was longer and the top covered more flesh.

Study participants ranked the woman for intelligence, personality, faithfulness, perceived job status, morality and intention to have sex.

There was no difference in the ratings between the two styles of dress except for intelligence.

Dr Alfredo Gaitan, the study’s first author, said:

“Have attitudes changed so much that people are not making negative judgments based on a woman’s dress?

We think there are still negative attitudes out there, but perhaps people are seeing the sexy look more positively.”

The study was presented at the British Psychological Society’s conference in Nottingham (Gaitan & Worrell, 2016).

Look More Intelligent By Adjusting Two Aspects Of Your Facial Expression

Two things which make you look more intelligent that you can do right now.

Two things which make you look more intelligent that you can do right now.

Getting more sleep makes people look more intelligent because of how it affects their resting or neutral facial expression.

People who are better rested open their eyes wider and do not have a slight frown on their face.

Dr Sean Talamas, the study’s lead author, said:

“People over generalise in judging those with droopy eyelids and a frown as being tired and having a low mood, both of which have a well-documented detrimental effect on cognitive performance.

Therefore it should be no surprise that many of us find people who look less alert and who have a lower mood as less intelligent looking.”

The researchers were interested in ways that people could appear more intelligent, Dr Talamas said:

“The infamous ‘attractiveness halo’ is when positive attributes are preferentially ascribed to attractive people over unattractive people.

Attractive people are often perceived as more intelligent, but we wanted to investigate how individuals can change their perceived intelligence, regardless of their attractiveness.

The solution seems to lie in subtle differences in a resting facial expression that are related to sleep – namely eyelid droopiness and subtle frowning.”

For the research pictures were taken of people after a full night’s sleep or after their sleep had been restricted.

After restricted sleep, people tend to display a slight frown and their eyes are not as wide open as they are normally.

This makes them look less intelligent.

Dr Talamas said:

“The take home message?

In an interview with an employer or the front row of a classroom, being cautious of your resting facial expression and getting more sleep may help you look more intelligent.

For those on the other side of the issue – someone who looks disinterested, unengaged or tired may be just as intelligent but less aware of the impact of their resting expression.”

The study was published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences (Talamas et al., 2016).

Robot image from Shutterstock

The Simple Way Fathers Can Increase Their Offspring’s IQ And Career Prospects

The effects of this parental behaviour were still detectable when the offspring were 42-years-old.

The effects of this parental behaviour were still detectable when the offspring were 42-years-old.

Children that spend more time with their fathers have a higher IQ, a new study finds.

The results come from research that followed 11,000 British men and women for over thirty years.

Parents were asked how much time the father spent with their children:

  • Reading with them.
  • Organising outings.
  • General ‘quality time’.

Thirty years later, children whose fathers had spent more time with them had better jobs and higher IQs.

The higher IQs and improved social mobility were still detectable when the offspring were 42-years-old.

Dr Daniel Nettle, who led the research, said:

“What was surprising about this research was the real sizeable difference in the progress of children who benefited from paternal interest and how thirty years later, people whose dads were involved are more upwardly mobile.

The data suggest that having a second adult involved during childhood produces benefits in terms of skills and abilities that endure throughout adult life.”

The researchers also found that fathers tended to pay more attention to their sons than their daughters.

The study was published in the Journal of Evolution and Human Behaviour (Nettle et al., 2016).

Parent image from Shutterstock

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