“One of the most extraordinary facts about our life is that, although we are besieged at every moment by impressions from our whole sensory surface, we notice so very small a part of them." -- William James
What William James, the American philosopher and psychologist, was talking about was our incredible ability to focus selectively on one thing, while blocking out almost everything else.
It is often something we do so easily that it is surprising to find out just how good we are at it -- in general.
When attention fails, as it is bound to from time-to-time, it can feel like staying focused is an impossible task.
There seems little doubt that well-known techniques like getting enough exercise and sleep, practicing mindfulness and drinking coffee can all help (McCormick, 2022).
But, what does the latest psychologist research tells us about other ways to boost attention?
From the foods you eat to the types of breaks you take, this article explores 9 proven strategies to keep your brain alert and engaged.
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Author: Dr Jeremy Dean
Psychologist, Jeremy Dean, PhD is the founder and author of PsyBlog. He holds a doctorate in psychology from University College London and two other advanced degrees in psychology. He has been writing about scientific research on PsyBlog since 2004. View all posts by Dr Jeremy Dean