This Is The Worst Type of Narcissist – They Are Socially Toxic

“They’re thinking really negative, hostile, critical things about other people.”

“They’re thinking really negative, hostile, critical things about other people.”

Narcissistic perfectionists — like the late Steve Jobs — are arguably the worst type of narcissists.

They are grandiose, see themselves as special, have a high sense of entitlement and extremely high expectations of others.

Plus, they love to criticise.

Logan Nealis, the study’s first author, said:

“A narcissistic perfectionist parent demands perfect performance from his daughter on the hockey rink, but not necessarily from anyone else out there.

They’re getting a sense of vitality or self-esteem through the perfect performance of other people, and they bask in that glow vicariously.”

For the research, students were asked to keep 28-day diaries.

The results revealed that narcissistic perfectionists were socially toxic.

Dr Simon Sherry, study co-author, said:

“Our most consistent finding across the two studies is that narcissistic perfectionism is associated with social negativity in the form of anger, derogation, conflict and hostility.”

Dr Sherry continued:

“When you look at what appears to be happening between the ears of a narcissistic perfectionist, you see they’re thinking really negative, hostile, critical things about other people.

They maintain this superior sense of themselves: ‘I’m perfect, I’m awesome, and you’re not so you’re defective.”

The study’s authors analyse the biographies of famous narcissistic perfectionists, include former Apple CEO, Steve Jobs:

“According to one biography, [Jobs] expected perfection from others in an entitled, demanding, and hyper-critical manner.

Employees reported going from ‘hero to zero’ in Jobs’ estimation after even minor mistakes; employees also noted Jobs routinely derogated them in front of co-workers.”

Logan Nealis said:

“If you have high expectations of someone, that may well be a positive thing—if it’s paired with a warm, nurturing interpersonal style.

But high expectations paired with feelings of grandiosity and entitlement to the perfect performance of others creates a much more negative combination.”

Dr Sherry continued:

“We may be characterizing a problem of our times.

It may very well be that we live in an age of entitlement where grandiose demands are often made in everyday life.

Narcissistic perfectionists have a need for other people to satisfy their unreasonable expectations… And if you don’t, they get angry [see: narcissistic rage].

Making them more aware of the impact [their actions] ultimately have on others might—keyword, “might”—spark change.”

The study was published in the Journal of Research in Personality (Nealis et al., 2015).

Author: Dr Jeremy Dean

Psychologist, Jeremy Dean, PhD is the founder and author of PsyBlog. He holds a doctorate in psychology from University College London and two other advanced degrees in psychology. He has been writing about scientific research on PsyBlog since 2004.

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