The Healthy Diet That Lowers Risk Of Severe COVID

A diet that can assist people in fending off COVID-19 and lowers the risk of severe illness.

A diet that can assist people in fending off COVID-19 and lowers the risk of severe illness.

A whole food, plant-based diet is not only a heart-healthy diet but also reduces the risk of COVID-19 infection, a study reveals.

Not all plant-based diets are healthy, as a whole food, plant-based product means an unprocessed or at least minimally processed food.

Dietary studies often describe plant-based diets as low or no meat and high in fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, legumes, olive oil, tea and coffee.

While all the focus is on the pandemic, we forget that the first killer is heart disease and actually people with a heart condition are more likely to develop a severe COVID infection.

Last year the coronavirus killed more than 400,000 Americans, but at the same time about 655,000 Americans died from cardiovascular disease, taking someone’s life every 37 seconds.

Individuals with obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure tend to develop heart disease and those with these conditions (or risk factors) are extremely vulnerable to COVID.

Dr Kim Williams, the study’s co-author, said:

“It’s particularly tough because both heart disease and COVID-19 have the same risk factors for having a bad outcome—it’s a perfect storm.

If you want to avoid a bad outcome from cardiovascular causes, or even COVID-19, this is the time to change your diet.”

According to the study, a whole-food, plant-based diet can reduce cardiovascular disease risk as well as COVID risk.

People can see the benefit from this type of diet within a short period of time as it is able to reduce the risk factors related to heart disease and improve markers of immune function.

Dr Williams said:

“Your level of heart inflammation goes down when you eat a whole-food, plant-based diet, and it helps to build your immune system.”

Our planet contains more than 20,000 edible types of vegetables, fruits, grains, and beans, but if they are full or partially processed then they lose their nutrients and are not as healthy.

Dr Williams said:

“If it’s a plant, go ahead and eat it, but be careful if it is made in a factory.

There is such a thing as an unhealthy vegan diet.

For example, eating refined grains, fried potatoes and sugar-sweetened beverages may indeed be vegan, but they are actually worse than eating an animal product.”

The study was published in the International Journal of Disease Reversal and Prevention (Petersen et al., 2021).

This Is How Long Omicron Symptoms Tend To Last

How long Omicron symptoms will last is suggested by the latest data from current cases.

How long Omicron symptoms will last is suggested by the latest data from current cases.

Omicron has now become the dominant COVID variant in many countries around the world.

At the moment the main concern is that new coronavirus variants may cause serious illness.

The data on the latest Omicron variants suggests that it is somewhat different with other COVID variants.

Omicron shares many similar symptoms with a common cold such as fatigue, runny nose, sneezing, headache, and sore throat.

The data collected on Omicron by the ZOE COVID Symptom study indicates that the virus is less severe than the other COVID-19 variants.

So far Omicron symptoms have also been generally milder than those associated with the previously dominant Delta variant.

The data on the duration of Omicron infection also suggests that the recovery time is quicker and the illness is getting shorter — perhaps as little as a few days.

Professor Tim Spector who specialises in genetic epidemiology and the lead scientist of the ZOE COVID study, said:

“Broadly what we’re seeing now is the majority of people testing PCR positive actually have cold-like symptoms and they do not have the classical triad of ill Covid symptoms of fever, loss of smell and taste and persistent cough.”

Omicron symptoms

The Omicron variant is not so strongly linked to some signs that are frequently connected to COVID.

For example, a loss of the sense of smell does not seem to be linked to Omicron.

Infection with the Omicron variant can be difficult to diagnose without testing because the symptoms vary between people.

It will depend on the person’s age, their vaccination status and other biological factors specific to them.

Some people may experience a very heavy cold, others lighter symptoms and others no symptoms at all.

However, both prior coronavirus infection and vaccination can neutralize the Omicron variant and reduce the risk of serious symptoms and hospitalisation.


These Vitamins Help Fight COVID-19

These vitamins could reduce respiratory conditions and COVID-19 infections.

These vitamins could reduce respiratory conditions and COVID-19 infections.

Vitamin A, D, and E could help people ward off respiratory illnesses and viral infections like COVID-19.

The effect of nutrition on improving the immune system due to the human body’s complexity is not wholly clear.

However, we know for sure that some nutrients play a key part in the reduction of different infections and diseases.

Past studies show that vitamin C is effective in treating or preventing pneumonia as well as supporting white blood cells to overcome viral infections such as flu and the common cold.

Data from an eight-year survey on 6,115 UK adult patients has now found that vitamin A, D and E intake were linked to a reduction in respiratory complaints, in particular viral infections.

However, this study didn’t find any effect from vitamin C supplements or food intake on respiratory diseases.

Vitamin A and vitamin E from supplements and food intake, vitamin D supplements (but not from the diet) showed significant reductions in respiratory conditions such as colds and lung diseases including asthma.

Food such as cheese, full-fat milk, liver, dark green leafy vegetables, and carrots are high in vitamin A while wheat germ oil, nuts and seeds, avocado, and olive oil are sources of vitamin E.

Dr Suzana Almoosawi and Dr Luigi Palla, the authors of this study, wrote:

“It is estimated that around a fifth of the general population in the UK have low vitamin D, and over 30% of older adults aged 65 years and above do not achieve the recommended nutrient intake.

Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that supplementation is critical to ensuring adequate vitamin D status is maintained and potentially indicate that intake of vitamin D from diet alone cannot help maintain adequate vitamin D status.”

Professor Sumantra Ray from NNEdPro Global Centre for Nutrition and Health, said:

“Nationally representative data continue to remind us that micronutrient deficiencies are far from a thing of the past, even in higher income nations like the UK, and this trend is mirrored by comparable global data sources from lesser resourced countries to those with advanced health systems.

Despite this, micronutrient deficiencies are often overlooked as a key contributor to the burden of malnutrition and poor health, presenting an additional layer of challenge during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

The study was published in the journal BMJ Nutrition Prevention & Health (Almoosawi & Palla., 2020).

The #1 Risk Factor For COVID-19 Death

Researchers tracked nearly 17,000 patients admitted to UK hospitals for coronavirus treatment.

Researchers tracked nearly 17,000 patients admitted to UK hospitals for coronavirus treatment.

Obese people have the lowest chance of surviving a COVID-19 infection, a study has found.

Also being a man will enlarge the odds of becoming seriously ill from the infection.

The ratio of hospital admissions between men and women is 60.2 percent for male to 39.8 percent for female.

Meanwhile, dementia and heart disease were found to be the other underlying health conditions among currently infected patients.

Researchers tracked nearly 17,000 patients admitted to UK hospitals for coronavirus treatment.

Dementia patients were more likely to die from the virus showing a 39 percent higher risk.

Obese patients were at 37 percent higher risk and in those with heart disease the death risk increased by 31 percent.

One reason that obese patients suffer severely and die from the infection is due to poor lung function and perhaps higher inflammation in the fatty tissues surrounding the internal organs.

Possibly this leads to cytokine storm syndromes (CSS), an overreaction of the immune system which can be deadly, as seen in COVID-19 patients.

Professor Calum Semple, study co-author, said:

“Despite the best supportive care that we can provide, the crude case fatality rate for people who are admitted to hospital with severe Covid-19 is 35% to 40% which is similar to that for people admitted to hospital with Ebola.”

Professor Semple added:

“One in three people admitted to hospital with of COVID-19 in the UK have contributed to this vital research.

The contribution of UK patients in such tragic circumstances been critical to improving the global understanding of this terrible disease.

We must do everything humanly possible to understand this disease, so that we are better prepared for the next wave of this pandemic.”

The study was published in Medrxiv (Docherty et al., 2020).

The Vitamin That Could Halve COVID Risk

More evidence that this vitamin protects people against severe COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and death.

More evidence that this vitamin protects people against severe COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and death.

A study on nearly half a million people in the UK found that UVB radiation strongly protects people against COVID-19 hospitalization and death.

The sun’s Ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation is the key for the production of 25-OHD known as calcifediol, the active form of vitamin D.

The study looked at the protective effect of ambient UVB radiation on individuals before COVID-19 infection.

The results showed that vitamin D produced in the skin from exposure to UVB radiation (vitD-UVB) was strongly and inversely associated with COVID-19 hospitalization and death.

Past studies suggest that vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of viral and bacterial respiratory infections.

During the pandemic several studies have found a strong link between vitamin D deficiency and coronavirus infection.

However, factors such as obesity, being elderly, and chronic conditions have been linked to lower levels of vitamin D and so higher severity of COVID-19.

The study shows that vitamin D status comes from both genetic predisposition and lifestyle factors.

Previous studies have failed to show the link between vitamin D and COVID-19 using genetic data.

This may be related to the fact that UVB radiation from the sunlight, which is the main source of vitamin D for most people, was overlooked.

Professor Lina Zgaga, the study’s co-author, said:

“Our study adds further evidence that vitamin D might protect against severe COVID-19 infection.

Conducting a properly designed COVID-19 randomized controlled trial of vitamin D supplementation is critical.

Until then, given that vitamin D supplements are safe and cheap, it is definitely advisable to take supplements and protect against vitamin D deficiency, particularly with winter on the horizon.”

Vitamin D is crucial for the immune system: it improves the body’s defence response against infections, helps avert respiratory infections, and reduces the need for antibiotics.

According to another study, a sufficient level of vitamin D could halve the risk of catching coronavirus and protect COVID-19 patients from the worst of the disease.

The study was published in the journal Scientific Reports (Li et al., 2021).

How Pandemic Stress Affected People’s Brain Health (M)

Both markers of neuroinflammation and overall bodily inflammation were increased among people after lockdowns finished compared with beforehand.

Both markers of neuroinflammation and overall bodily inflammation were increased among people after lockdowns finished compared with beforehand.

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A Sign That You Have ‘Super Immunity’ To COVID

One group of people have ‘super immunity’ against coronavirus disease.

One group of people have ‘super immunity’ against coronavirus disease.

Fully vaccinated people who have a breakthrough infection of COVID end up with “super immunity”.

According to researchers at Oregon University, people who were vaccinated and then got a coronavirus infection are the most protected against the disease.

For this study, a group of vaccinated people who had a breakthrough infection were compared to another group of vaccinated people who never had COVID.

They saw that those with breakthrough infections had an increase in antibodies by 2,000 percent compared with the other group.

Dr Fikadu Tafesse, the study’s co-author, said:

“The increases were substantial, up to a 1,000% increase and sometimes up to 2,000%, so it’s really high immunity.

It’s almost ‘super immunity.'”

However, the authors warn that people should not try to get infected with the coronavirus because there is a risk of severe illness.

Professor Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease expert, commented on the study:

“This is one of the first that shows a breakthrough infection following vaccination generates stronger immunity than prior infection or vaccination alone.”

Several studies have suggested that individuals who had COVID and received one dose of a COVID vaccine were highly protected from re-infection.

Professor Gandhi said:

“This is one of the first that shows a breakthrough infection following vaccination generates stronger immunity than prior infection or vaccination alone.”

Omicron is more contagious than Delta and other COVID variants, thus these findings are reassuring for vaccinated people.

However, fully vaccinated people can be infected with Omicron but most are either asymptomatic or experience mild symptoms.

Dr Tafesse said:

“What we’re saying is, we know life happens.

If you happen to be exposed to the virus, you’ll have this amazing immune response.

It mirrors the immunity response we get to the booster.”

Experts think that the immune system learns all the time; when it sees the virus or the vaccine, it gets ready to fight better against different COVID variants.

Professor Shane Crotty, a virologist at La Jolla Institute for Immunology, said:

“If you get at least one dose of vaccine, you’ll have the best immunity of anyone.

You’ll have amazing immunity against omicron and any variant that’s been identified.”

The study was published in JAMA (Bates et al., 2021).

This Vitamin Deficiency Increases COVID-19 Risk

Being low in the vitamin puts these workers at higher risk of catching COVID-19.

Being low in the vitamin puts these workers at higher risk of catching COVID-19.

Having sufficient vitamin D levels is linked to a lower risk of COVID-19 infection, research finds.

Healthcare workers with low levels of vitamin D were more likely to be infected.

Low vitamin D levels were linked to a reduced production of antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 infection.

The conclusions come from a study of 392 healthcare workers in the UK.

Just over half had antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, showing they had been infected with the virus.

Those low in vitamin D were more likely to report pains and body aches and symptoms of fever when they had the disease.

Almost 17 percent were deficient in vitamin D, with higher prevalence among Black, Asian and ethnic minority workers.

Professor David Thickett, study co-author, said:

“Our study has shown that there is an increased risk of COVID-19 infection in healthcare workers who are deficient in vitamin D.

Our data adds to the emerging evidence from studies in the UK and globally that individuals with severe COVID-19 are more vitamin D deficient than those with mild disease.

Finally, our results, combined with existing evidence further demonstrates the potential benefits of vitamin D supplementation in individuals at risk of vitamin D deficiency or who are shown to be deficient as a way to potentially alleviate the impact of COVID-19.”

Previous studies have also suggested that vitamin D deficiency makes people vulnerable to coronavirus infection.

Vitamin D is crucial for the immune system: it improves the body’s defence response against infections, helps avert respiratory infections, and reduces the need for antibiotics.

A sufficient level of vitamin D could halve the risk of catching coronavirus and protect COVID-19 patients from the worst of the disease, according to another recent study.

The study was published in medRxiv  (Faniyi et al., 2020).

This Vitamin May Reduce COVID Risk By 50%

More than 80 percent of patients hospitalized with COVID are deficient in this nutrient.

More than 80 percent of patients hospitalized with COVID are deficient in this nutrient.

Estimates of the number of people with low vitamin D status varies from 1 billion to as many as 50 percent of the world’s population.

Vitamin D deficiency is associated with chronic conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, and high rates of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

According to a study, vitamin D deficiency is found in 82.2 percent of hospitalised patients with COVID.

25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) or calcifediol is the major form of vitamin D and its levels are influenced by geographical and seasonal pattern.

Calcifediol is mainly converted in the kidneys to calcitriol, the active hormone of vitamin D.

The hormone regulates blood calcium concentration which keeps the bones healthy and the immune response in balance against infection.

The research team examined 216 COVID patients in a Spanish hospital and found over 80 percent of them were vitamin D deficient.

Men had lower levels of vitamin D than women.

Also, those patients with vitamin D deficiency had increased levels of inflammatory markers ferritin and D-dimer in their blood.

Elevated levels of these proteins could cause a cytokine storm, a life-threatening condition associated with COVID.

Dr José L. Hernández, the study’s first author, said:

“One approach is to identify and treat vitamin D deficiency, especially in high-risk individuals such as the elderly, patients with comorbidities, and nursing home residents, who are the main target population for the COVID-19.

Vitamin D treatment should be recommended in COVID-19 patients with low levels of vitamin D circulating in the blood since this approach might have beneficial effects in both the musculoskeletal and the immune system.”

A previous study by Professor Holick and colleagues revealed that vitamin D sufficiency helps to overcome the coronavirus disease and other types of upper respiratory infections such as influenza.

Patients with a sufficient amount of vitamin D have higher levels of lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell which fights infection, and their blood shows a lower level of C-reactive protein, an inflammatory indicator.

A blood level of 30 nanogram per millilitre of vitamin D has been shown to protect patients with COVID-19 against complications and death, as well as reducing the risk of getting ill by a large amount.

The study was published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (Hernández et al., 2020).

These Popular Foods Impair Your Immune System

Some chemicals added to food or food packaging harm the immune system and reduce vaccine efficacy.

Some chemicals added to food or food packaging harm the immune system and reduce vaccine efficacy.

A preservative used in a wide range of foods and a coating on food packaging products can harm the immune system and reduce the antibody response to vaccines.

Tertiary Butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), also known as E319 in Europe, is an approved additive used to increase the shelf-life of  processed foods.

It is used in cooking oils, processed or frozen meats, bakery products, crackers and more specifically popular brands like Rice Krispies Treats, Cheez-Its, Pop-Tarts and many more.

PFAS also called “forever chemicals” — used as coatings on food packaging (food wrappers, plastic packaging, bags, and boxes) –can leak into food and drink.

A study assessed the toxicity and health hazards of TBHQ and PFAS in humans and animals.

Their review shows that BHQ and PFAS can impair the immune system.

Given the coronavirus pandemic, this finding is particularly worrying.

Dr Olga Naidenko, the study’s first author, said:

“The pandemic has focused public and scientific attention on environmental factors that can impact the immune system.

Before the pandemic, chemicals that may harm the immune system’s defense against infection or cancer did not receive sufficient attention from public health agencies.

To protect public health, this must change.”

Past studies have suggested that TBHQ activity hinders the production of immune cell proteins, reduces the efficacy of flu vaccines, and increases the risk of food allergies.

PFAS levels can damage immune function, resulting in lower disease resistance or higher risk of infections.

High levels of PFAS have been linked to asthma and food allergies in teenagers.

Another study also found an association between elevated blood levels of PFBA and increased risk of COVID-19 severity (Grandjean et al., 2020).

Many additives in processed foods can increase the risk of hormonal imbalance, cancer, and damage to the nervous system.

However, the food additives regulation set by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ignores the latest research showing the negative impacts of additives on human health.

The FDA often lets food manufacturers decide what chemicals are safe and legal to use in food packaging.

Professor Scott Faber, EWG’s senior vice president for government affairs, said:

“Food manufacturers have no incentive to change their formulas.

Too often, the FDA allows the food and chemical industry to determine which ingredients are safe for consumption.

Our research shows how important it is that the FDA take a second look at these ingredients and test all food chemicals for safety.”

Foods and drinks can be produced without any of these harmful ingredients and there should be a safer approach towards food packaging.

For now, the EWG’s Food Scores database might be a useful tool for many shoppers to chose healthier products.

The study was published in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (Naidenko et al., 2021).

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