10 Most Surprising Psychology Studies Of 2023

Can an old brain learn at the same rate as a young one? Do the selfish prefer to exploit the selfless? Some surprising answers to these, and more questions revealed.

Can an old brain learn at the same rate as a young one? Do the selfish prefer to exploit the selfless? Some surprising answers to these, and more questions revealed.

I love studies that upend our assumptions about human psychology.

Some of those assumptions, one does not even realise have been made until they are being upended.

In that spirit, here are a few questions for you:

  • Can an old brain learn at the same rate as a young one?
  • Do the selfish prefer to exploit the selfless?
  • Can anxiety and anger lead to success in life?
  • Why do we have hair on our heads?

Answers to these questions, and more, are contained in some of the most surprising psychology studies I wrote about in the members-only area of PsyBlog in 2023.

Paid memberships mean PsyBlog can keep exploring the science of the mind.

Once again, many thanks to everyone who has supported PsyBlog over the years.


This Type Of Learning Makes Old Brains Young Again (M)

“Remarkably, the cognitive scores increased to levels similar to undergraduates taking the same cognitive tests for the first time.” – Dr Rachel Wu


myth about memory

Why The Selfish Prefer Other Selfish People — And Punish Generosity In Others (M)

Selfish people are quick to punish generosity and reward selfishness in others when they find it.


Cold Water Immersion Rewires The Brain’s Emotion Centres (M)

Neuroscientists find that cold water immersion changes connectivity in the medial prefrontal cortex and the parietal cortex.


Why A Sleepless Night Lifts Depression (M)

Sleep deprivation treatment can rapidly reduce the symptoms of depression — but why?


The Dark Emotions That Can Lead To Success (M)

There are different paths to success — not everyone gets there by the conventional route of following their dreams and being endlessly positive.


Smelling These Fragrances At Night Boosts Memory 226% In Older Adults (M)

The researchers hope that along with strengthening memory, the fragrances may help delay dementia.


Coffee’s Boost Comes From More Than Just Caffeine (M)

When people are given just caffeine without coffee, key areas of the brain do not activate.


Quick Eye Movements Reveal The Decisions People Have Already Made (M)

Decision-making and even personality can be read from rapid eye movements known as saccades.


Sniffing Sweat Helps Treat Social Anxiety Disorder (M)

Over 300 separate compounds have been identified in human sweat.


Why We Have Hair On Our Heads (M)

No other mammals have a mostly naked body but hair on their head.


Author: Jeremy Dean

Psychologist, Jeremy Dean, PhD is the founder and author of PsyBlog. He holds a doctorate in psychology from University College London and two other advanced degrees in psychology. He has been writing about scientific research on PsyBlog since 2004. He is also the author of the book "Making Habits, Breaking Habits" (Da Capo, 2013) and several ebooks.

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