Weight Loss: 2 Cups Of This Healthy Drink Proven To Reduce Belly Fat

Studies have linked a range of natural supplements to increased weight loss.

Studies have linked a range of natural supplements to increased weight loss.

A number of different natural supplements have been linked to weight loss by research.

Drinking from two to four cups of green tea per day has been repeatedly linked to weight loss.

Those drinking four cups a day lost 5.5 pounds across eight week in one study.

Adding additional exercise on top may boost weight loss even further.

Green tea may be effective because it helps to regulate glucose levels.

The active ingredient is a type of flavonoid called gallated catechins, also known as EGCG.

However, if you are going to take a green tea supplement then beware of the side-effects, such as liver toxicity.

Dr Josh Lambert, the study’s first author, said:

“No person can sit down and drink 16 cups of green tea all at once.

However if you take a supplement you can get that type of green tea extract dose, so there is some indication that the dosage form has an influence on the potential to cause liver toxicity.”

One way of reducing the chance of liver toxicity from taking too much green tea is to begin drinking green tea weeks before taking the supplement.

The conclusions come from a study that compared two groups of mice.

One group was pretreated with low doses of green tea extract before being given higher doses later on.

The results showed that pretreatment with a lower dose reduced the chance of liver toxicity by 75 percent.

Dr Lambert said:

“We believe this study indicates that those who are chronic green tea consumers would be less sensitive to potential liver toxicity from green-tea-based dietary supplements.

If you are going to take green tea supplements, drinking green tea for several weeks or months ahead of time may reduce your potential side effects.”

A better option, Dr Lambert thinks is to drink green tea instead:

“Drinking green tea rather than taking supplements will allow you to realize the benefits and avoid the risk of liver toxicity.

The beneficial effects that people have reported as being associated with green tea are the result of dietary consumption rather than the use of supplements.

The relative risk of using supplements remains unclear.”

The study was published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology (James et al., 2015).

Author: Dr Jeremy Dean

Psychologist, Jeremy Dean, PhD is the founder and author of PsyBlog. He holds a doctorate in psychology from University College London and two other advanced degrees in psychology. He has been writing about scientific research on PsyBlog since 2004.

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