This Supplement Can Quadruple Weight Loss

The supplement can increase weight loss if taken regularly.

The supplement can increase weight loss if taken regularly.

Certain supplements have been shown to boost weight loss dramatically by research.

A natural fibre called inulin — which is available as a supplement — can boost weight loss by four times, one study concluded.

Inulin is a fibre found naturally in many foods, including leeks, wheat, onions, bananas and asparagus.

The fibre works at least partly by reducing cravings for high calorie foods.

It strengthens the gut signal to the brain to reduce appetite.

Brain scans show that after consuming inulin-propionate ester, activity in brain regions important for food cravings is reduced.

Professor Gary Frost, study co-author, said:

 “Our previous findings showed that people who ate this ingredient gained less weight — but we did not know why.

This study is filling in a missing bit of the jigsaw — and shows that this supplement can decrease activity in brain areas associated with food reward at the same time as reducing the amount of food they eat.”

The current study included 20 people who were asked to consume a milkshake that contained two different types of inulin.

Professor Frost said:

“The amount of inulin-propionate ester used in this study was 10g — which previous studies show increases propionate production by 2.5 times.

To get the same increase from fibre alone, we would need to eat around 60g a day.

At the moment, the UK average is 15g.”

The results showed that people ate 10 percent less food after consuming the inulin-propionate ester.

Other studies have linked inulin to weight loss if taken regularly.

Dr Claire Byrne, the study’s first author, said:

“If we add this to foods it could reduce the urge to consume high calorie foods.

…some people’s gut bacteria may naturally produce more propionate than others, which may be why some people seem more naturally predisposed to gain weight.”

The study was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Byrne et al., 2016).

Author: Dr Jeremy Dean

Psychologist, Jeremy Dean, PhD is the founder and author of PsyBlog. He holds a doctorate in psychology from University College London and two other advanced degrees in psychology. He has been writing about scientific research on PsyBlog since 2004.

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