The Most Attractive Facial Feature On Women

What men look at most in the first 10 seconds of looking at a woman.

What men look at most in the first 10 seconds of looking at a woman.

The lips are the most attractive facial feature on women, according to a survey.

In the first 10 seconds of meeting a women, on average, a man will spend around half that time looking at her lips.

If the woman is wearing lipstick then it attracts men’s attention even more.

Men fixated on pink lipstick for 6.7 seconds on average out of the first 10, and for 7.3 for red lipstick.

When women wore lipstick men only devoted 0.95 seconds, on average, to looking at her eyes and 0.85 seconds looking at her hair.

Naturally, fuller lips were found to attract the male eye for longer.

Researchers at Manchester University carried out the study.

It involved showing 50 men pictures of various different women.

They were shown with and without lipstick

Dr Geoff Beattie, who led the research, said:

“This study proves that lips represent one of the most sensual aspects of a woman’s body and play a critical role in human sexual attraction.

Full and red lips combined deliver the perfect pout to achieve male fixation, but women who simply wear lipstick – regardless of their lip type – secure significantly greater levels of attraction than those who do not.

For centuries, women have painted their lips red to enhance their appeal, with this practice dating back as far as the Ancient Egyptians who commonly used red lipstick and rouge to enhance their attractiveness.

The research suggests that red lips and perceived attractiveness are still inextricably linked, with red lipstick proving to be the most powerful attractor and significantly increasing visual fixation.”

The survey was carried out for a retailer.

Author: Dr Jeremy Dean

Psychologist, Jeremy Dean, PhD is the founder and author of PsyBlog. He holds a doctorate in psychology from University College London and two other advanced degrees in psychology. He has been writing about scientific research on PsyBlog since 2004.

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